@Denver Nuggets

Denver Nuggets – Champions of the Universe

Denver Nuggets – Champions of the Universe

by IdRatherBeLurkingToo


  1. UnderratedNightmare

    Look I don’t care how upset aliens get about “universe champion” title that they give out to NBA finals teams. No teams in the universe is better than the ones we have here. Even some bad teams will beat the good teams around the universe. Their best players come here to play. Its not the other way around. Until one of those planets can join the NBA and beat the best teams here, fuck outta here with not being universe champions. The best players in our league go play with them in the summer to give them a chance, so no, you aren’t better than even our shitty teams.

  2. BubaTflubas

    This is the August circlejerk content that will keep us alive!!! Damn I love reddit.

    This is chef’s 💋💋💋 hilarious snark.

  3. BoneyardBill

    Christiana Pickles… some say she invented the pickle roll

  4. ShowdownValue

    Loved he-man as a kid

    I cannot express the absolute disappointment I felt when watching this movie. What a disaster

  5. Superbotto

    This is the content I was needing to see today. Thanks Lurk!

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