
Kyrie Irving Was SHOCKED By This 1v1… One Of The Most EVENLY Matched 1v1s | Deebones vs Walt

Deebones vs Walt at Kyrie Irving’s 1v1 tournament.

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(Austin “A-milly” Mills) –
(Duke Skywalka) –
(Tim “Clamp God” Carter) –
(Malcolm) –
(Deebones) –
(Nasir Core) –

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  1. I was under the impression that Malcolm was the best 1v1 at the eastcoast squad. Deebones got beat 11-0 against ty JS🤷‍♂

  2. CMon guys get Tim TF out of there. I cant stand the guy. I wont fully watch a video by ECS if I see that hack Tim in it (except the TREY video). Deebones is legit thought. Tim is killing your image boys. Malcom, Bones, Duke, and Nas need to get away from the weak guards they have. Tim looks like he has some type of self esteem issue with how he feels the need to be over aggressive to his opponents. Even if he's not playing against them. Seems like hes trying to hard to be a tuff guy. OR the fact he knows he isn't that good and its getting to him.

  3. Why nasir wearing a hoodie when it’s summer time? How out of shape has he gotten that he’s trying to hide all the weight gain? Dude has been a bust of a signing. Used to think he was one of the top guys in YouTube hoops, what a letdown. Secured the bag from BIL and is nothing more than a talking head at this point. Isn’t that what the old out of shape coach is for?

  4. You can be saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, not by trusting in your good deeds to earn you eternal life. Please make the best decision of your life and continue reading. The gospel:1 Cor 15: 3-4 KJV

    “For I deliuered vnto you first of all, that which I also receiued, how that Christ died for our sinnes according to the Scriptures:

    And that he was buried, and that he rose againe the third day according to the Scriptures”

    It is only by faith in his blood, or in other words trusting in his sacrifice.

    Romans 3: 24-25

    “Being iustified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Iesus Christ:

    Whom God hath set forth to bee a propitiation, through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousnesse for the remission of sinnes, that are past, through the forbearance of God.”

    Not by good deeds, otherwise you could boast about it

    Ephesians 2:8-9

    “For by grace are ye saued, through faith, and that not of your selues: it is the gift of God:

    Not of workes, lest any man should boast.”

    Jesus promises you eternal life now(present tense possession hath/have), not in the future. You can know for sure that you have everlasting life the moment you believe and that you will not die.

    John 5:24

    “Uerily, verily I say vnto you, Hee that heareth my word, & beleeueth on him that sent mee, hath euerlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation: but is passed from death vnto life.”

    There are many other verses that elegantly show all it takes is faith, but hopefully this makes salvation very clear. This makes true Christianity distinct from all other religions like Catholicism, Islam, and Buddhism that all teach doing good things to earn eternal life. Choose the one that is unlike the others. Other religions do not even guarantee eternal life as it is a question mark based on if you are “good enough”. I’ve talked with Muslims before and they do in fact believe in a “balancing of deeds”, using the analogy of a scale where good deeds must outweigh bad. If you read your bible you know why that doesn’t pan out in reality and even one bad deed in front of God is punishable by death.

  5. i want a diamond test for every ball is life player lmao them chains too big sum aint addin up

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