@Miami Heat

Heat fans choosing the young core over Dame rn

Heat fans choosing the young core over Dame rn

by DirksSexyBratwurst


  1. WouldByAliceInChains

    Yeah….. picking “potential” over something that would put you in the best position to win now (when your window is closing) has always been odd to me.

    Sorry, I’ll taken the proven player who could be the missing piece we need over the young talent that “looks good” but we have no idea how they will pan out, team circumstances, etc.

    Best way to forget about young talent you trade? Win now.

  2. Portland will take Duncan Robinson, Kyle Lowry, and a Second Round Pick and they will like it!

  3. jdog092

    I stopped caring about potential after Justise Winslow. Just doesn’t seem wise to bank on youth hoping one of them might be a star someday when most of them aren’t going to get a whole lot better.

  4. Aggravating_Plant_39

    Who says that we’re just saying don’t gut the team because Dame specifically demanded only Miami to avoid going to a gutted team.

  5. BossKingGodd

    We’ll root for the team regardless of who’s on it.

  6. readndrun

    This is Portland opting for FRPs over taking Herro from us.

  7. stilloriginal

    What’s cringe is heat fans acting desperate for a championship

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