@National Basketball Association

[Reynolds] Anthony Edwards, on the FIBA rules (and how they clearly aren’t affecting him): “I just try to put the ball in the basket and get a stop.” Steve Kerr, right on cue: “That’s why we love him.”

[Reynolds] Anthony Edwards, on the FIBA rules (and how they clearly aren’t affecting him): “I just try to put the ball in the basket and get a stop.” Steve Kerr, right on cue: “That’s why we love him.”

by Kimber80


  1. Solid-Confidence-966

    He played a great game this morning, but he was kinda inefficient during the first 2 games

  2. WeGetSickBsTickets

    So, how long until r/nba turns against Ant and calls him a chucker?

  3. puffpuffpastor

    How is this something that warrants its own post, there is zero notable information being conveyed with either of those two statements lol

  4. Batman_in_hiding

    Gonna be so disappointed in y’all when you turn on him

  5. dimechimes

    Can Kerr, say one banal sentence and it not get published? Doubtful.

  6. Minute-Decent

    Alright even has a Wolves fan who loves Ant, we are risking overexposure. Sub reflects the media and right now FIBA is the only thing going on so it makes sense why there’s so much Ant coverage, but people will start hating him because of it lol

  7. theAmericanStranger

    Years ago, there was a funny incident caught on camera of an European coach who tried to explain to his American player what to do in broken English, and ended up saying “just put the ball the basket!”

  8. iIiiIIiiiIiIIiI111

    Can’t wait til this sub stops slurpin’ this dude

  9. Throwawayhobbes

    Only one rigged pick away we could had his services.

  10. moneyman2222

    Ant is a straight up HOOPER. He doesn’t need to get into the X’s and O’s. He’s simply just more skilled than his opposition and focuses on getting the ball in the basket. Same with guys like KD, AI, McGrady, VC, Crawford, etc.

    Certain guys are just beyond skilled and just do what’s natural and it works

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