@National Basketball Association

[Post Game Thread] Latvia (3-1) overcomes 12-point deficit and takes the win over Spain (3-1) 74-69

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by GuyWithManyThoughts


  1. Jayveesac

    Spain are in danger of crashing out because their next game is against Canada

  2. Robb_94

    Yessss!!! Difficult game, great 4th quarter and big win against Spain.

    Great game from the whole team especially from Rodions Kurucs, Dāvis Bertāns and Kristers Zoriks.

    Brazil is next!!!

  3. gormful-brightwit

    Latvia confirmed giant killers.

  4. nutelamitbutter

    First hockey, now basketball. Latvia looks amazing!

  5. TheDeadman95

    Latvia are the most pain in the ass team I have ever seen. They are never *the* favourites, but I’m never surprised whoever they beat. And not just this year, that’s been the case for almost a decade now.

    But that Spain coward-ball needs to be studied, though.

  6. ogblood

    Very proud of Latvian Broliukai. Let’s hope we advance and can play together for medals!

  7. Kristupas

    I was very impressed with Latvia’s defense. Rotations are very crisp and they clearly have trust in each other, so they can play more aggressively. If they get blown by, they know that someone will immediately help and cover their guy. I am rooting for Latvia for sure!

  8. Otherwise_Horror_183

    you cannot fckin fathom how big of a achievment it is to win both france and spain in basketball for a 1,8 mil country. LET’S FCKIN GOOOOO!

  9. RUBEN4iK

    What a comeback!

    Thought we really broke down in the 3rd..

    Kurucs has been incredible on defense. If only he had a little more discipline and slightly more feel on offense, he would be a solid starter in NBA. His physical tools are insane. Can basically guard 1 through 5.

  10. Laure23

    The overachieving Spaniards are starting to show cracks. Also no Lorenzo Brown makes them vulnerable.

  11. d4videnk0

    Impressive bottle job, I know the team isn’t very good, since some of the veterans are way too old and the younger generations despite their success, are still too young but still expected better.

  12. surbanlife

    That was very disappointing by Spain and specifically Escariolo, his rotations were awful!! So much hustle from Latvia too, they deserved the win! We gotta beat Canada on Sunday, it’s gonna be one hell of a game!

  13. We truly are shining in sports this year. I absolutely love to see it.

  14. LateForTheSun

    I just learned from bar trivia that Latvia is where the guy on New Girl used to play professional ball. This definitely changes my perspective on everything.

  15. No_Brilliant5888

    Latvia is in top form, playing flawless basketball. They even forced Canada into the most stressful 26 point win I’ve ever seen.

  16. Wasn’t expecting Latvia to be this good without KP.

  17. epicblitz

    Rodion Kurucs, bad mf. I remember liking his game on the Nets.

  18. parody88

    What the hell is in our water this year? Hockey 3 place now this. Holly hell..

  19. belokas

    Banchi wins the battle of Italian coaches.

  20. Cul_what

    Latvia becoming a sleeper pick has been very surprising but a welcome one fs

  21. BramptonBatallion

    First they took Bronze at the Hockey Worlds, now they’re coming back for Basketball and upsetting major European basketball players in France and Spain. Latvia is on a roll.

  22. theguyishere16

    Latvia is having one hell of a sporting year. They won their first ever medal in the hockey World Championships this year and now their basketball team is slaying basketball giants.

  23. Moug-10

    It makes the defeat against them less painful. France might have been awful but Latvia deserved their praise. We still need to work a lot, though.

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