@National Basketball Association

Dwight Howard: “I’m happy for Jokic. But y’all were saying in 2020, I was stopping this man, and I wasn’t in my prime. Imagine me in my prime. There would be no question”

Dwight Howard: “I’m happy for Jokic. But y’all were saying in 2020, I was stopping this man, and I wasn’t in my prime. Imagine me in my prime. There would be no question”

by vrkhfkb


  1. nibbinoo8

    jokic wasn’t in his prime in 2020 either

  2. graveyeverton93

    … But to give fair context here Jokic has improved significantly since 3 years ago.

  3. SuperElection3215

    The word stopping of course being a euphemism for hacking without repercussions

  4. shanmustafa

    i thought dwight was annoying him for sure and then AD being the best help guy imaginable behind him

    i wouldn’t say he was just stopping him tho, he averaged 4 fpg, in just 20mpg

    and jokic also hadn’t fully become that best player in the league type level until the next season

  5. HappyChromatic

    Prime Dwight would play amazing D and prime Jokic would just go for 15 points 30 assists instead of 30 points 15 assists

  6. SincereFan

    Dwight is so underrated its ridiculous and thats because the NBA is an unfair, buddy buddy league. Dwight was fighting Kobe for best player in the league at his prime. Dwight was more accomplished than Lebron early in his career till Bron decided to go to Miami. Dwight was certified top 5 all time if he didn’t leave Orlando and get injured.

  7. nowhathappenedwas

    Jokic played 86 minutes with Dwight on the court that series.

    Jokic scored 45 points on 72.6% TS. He drew 16 fouls, and Dwight committed 19(!) fouls.

  8. realudonishaslem

    To be fair, Dwight in his prime was an absolute beast. 3 straight DPOY is no joke.

  9. suckstosuck98

    The refs shut Jokic down not Dwight. They called tick tack fouls on him on one end, while allowing Dwight to hack the shit outta him on the other end.

    This series and the whistleblower pod that dropped that summer forever changed the way I view the NBA

  10. yutzykrop

    Jokic also wasn’t near his peak in 2020 bubble. True peak Jokic is 2021-2023 years and counting and he got in much better shape post bubble.

  11. Breasts_Enjoyer

    Prime Dwight would probably be one of Jokic’s worst possible matchups tbf

  12. dash_44

    I kinda agree with Dwight, people are acting like he’s not one of the best defenders of all time

  13. Markel100

    We gotta stop ad was still on that team u didn’t lock jokic u slowed him doen

  14. girlscoutcookies05

    He beat MVP Bron in the playoffs. He can talk his shit

  15. Professional_Sir7689

    The amount of fouls Dwight got away with in that series was absurd… dude should just STFU already

  16. n0th1ng10

    Jokic was cooking Ad. What difference would it make if it was Dwight? Dwight just wouldn’t have an answer for Jokic. Saying there would be no question is so disrespectful. Jokic just had maybe the best offensive postseason run ever, Dwight made the finals turn got swept. There is no comp here man Jokic is way better than Dwight ever was.

  17. RyanBlackburn

    lmao people on here always elevate the players of the past like they’re some kind of supermen but think about it, there’s little gap between Gobert and prime Dwight on the defensive end. And look what Jokic has done to Gobert in all of their playoff battles.

    Tbf, Gobert has done a good job defending Jokic but Jokic still managed to win their match ups in the end. Dwight’s offense really isn’t something to be feared. Jokic is strong as fuck. Dwight can’t bully him on the post with the limited post moves that he has.

  18. Mysterious-Ad4966

    Yeah idk, Jokic was cooking Davis in the playoffs until Lakers switched Davis to be the help defender.

    IK Dwight was 3x DPOY but I’d say Davis was pretty comparable to Dwight defensively and obviously better offensively.

  19. GenericDarkFriend

    oh no he spoke against this sub’s god

  20. 3big_bird23

    The thing about current jokic is he is unstoppable, or atleast unsolved, if you take away his scoring, he’s an elite playmaker and vice versa. How do you do both? We’ve yet to see the answer

  21. TJStrawberry

    Dwight was actually at the MVP level the year he carried his team to the finals. Not many guys have that ability and he did it.

  22. Denotsyek

    So did this guy rape a dude? What happened with that story?

  23. thisisbyrdman

    People don’t like Dwight Howard and dickride Jokic, so they’ll clown Dwight for this. But it’s not remotely outside the realm of possibility.

  24. dwight howard is like one of the more misunderstood players on this sub i feel. I think alot of the audience here missed out on his prime

  25. 3rdtryatremembering

    This right here is why players ring chase. So you can rewrite your legacy and act like you were actually an import player on a championship team instead of someone thrown in to rack up fouls and frustrate the opposition.

  26. Baconmazing

    Stopping ? No. Making him expend more energy ? Yes.

    Dwight and JaVale were only there to give rest to AD on defense and to make Jokic spend more on offense.

    Their battle was literally one of attrition.

    In fact, that’s the only semi-impactful way to play against Jokic. Attrition with Jokic and focus on everyone else.

    Prime Dwight would absolutely be more impactful. But Jokic plays as the playmaker from post as well. Dwight ain’t defending no passes from Jokic.

  27. Hurricane_08

    At least this time Dwight’s just being delusional instead of trying and failing to be funny

  28. gohuskies15

    A lot of this sub wasn’t around for Dwight’s prime huh

  29. Phenomenal2313

    Prime Dwight would probably give Jokic hell , people forget how fucking good Dwight in his prime was

    3 straight DPOY’s

  30. desirox

    Let’s be real, prime Dwight was the best center in the league by far

  31. orangesodazz

    Even in his prime, Dwight would have gotten cooked by last season’s Jokić.

    By stopping, I guess he meant only getting called for 1/4 of his hacks in the Bubble. This man is incredibly delusional.

  32. CoachDT

    Dwight actually has a point.

    However I’d say that the media as a whole is a little slow when it comes to picking up on defense. Dwight made Jokic expend more energy, just because he did that and his team win the media swore he was a Jokic stopper. Following what “they said” in his prime he’d be a whole hell of a lot more effective.

    However I’d argue that while Dwight would 100% give Jokic problems, he wouldn’t be able to do much about his passing which is what’ll open up the game for him. Dwight would have to choose between defending Jokic or exposing the paint. Conversely he’d gorilla dunk on Jokic because Jokic wouldn’t want to rack up fouls.

  33. DjLionOrder

    He’s absolutely right. Ppl in this are recency bias personified.

    I’m not saying Dwight would have held him scoreless, but come on now

  34. risforpirate

    Everyone is talking about how Dwight’s offense wasn’t great, but he’s saying that he’d “stop him” as in defense. Y’all are tripping if you don’t think Prime Dwight is not going to be Jokic’s toughest matchup ever. No offense to Jokic dude has been MVP for a reason, but you don’t win DPOY without being the best defensive player of the year

  35. PsychoWarper

    2020 Jokic was worse then 2023 Jokic.

    Dwight did not take on Jokic alone he was also backed up by McGee and AD.

  36. AzorAhai1TK

    Glad people seem to be realizing a bit more how dominant Dwight was. He was top 5 in MVP voting every year from ages 22-25, peaking at 2nd, and deserved it all. He brought the 08/09 team to the finals somehow, and his DPOYs were dominant. His prime was relatively short but it was nuts

  37. New_Computer_5576

    To be even more fair, Dwight has absolutely no moves.

    If people don’t pass him the ball in the perfect spot, he’s fuckt.

  38. Glum-Piece1504

    Jokić stopper is still a mythical creature nowhere to be found. Some story tellers claim that it exist somewhere among us waiting to show up.

  39. OmerYurtseven4MVP

    A prime Dwight Howard beats all but like 4 centers ever. Only the best of the best have an edge on him. He’s in the David Robinson tier if you ask me.

  40. Prince_of_DeaTh

    Jokic averaged 22/7/5 on 62%TS in that series with 2 steals per game.

    Dwight averaged 8/5/0 on 75%TS in that series with 1 block and 1 steal per game.

  41. penguin_torpedo

    He is absolutely right. He would stop Jokic.

    As long as he has AD as his PF.

  42. SandyMandy17

    Only thing stopping Dwight is kitty

  43. DereHunter

    Lol Dwight comparing himself to jokic that’s best joke of the year ,jokic is one of the most basketball intelligent players ever played the game while he has an intelligence of a dead cat

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