@San Antonio Spurs

How would you rank our young core against others in the NBA?

Been seeing this post make it’s rounds in other subs.

by blangoez


  1. moonshadow50

    OKC, Orlando and Indiana are well ahead of everybody else here IMO. SGA and Halliburton are clearly the best 2 players here, and I reckon Franz and Paolo are the next 2. Those 4 have shown a lot more than any of our guys.

    Detroit could possibly be next depending on what Cade shows this year. He has the potential to be at a similar level to Halliburton at least – but hasn’t shown it consistently enough yet.

    I would put us ahead of the other 3 teams, and ahead of Detroit if Cade doesn’t step up.

    Personally I am just not a fan of Lamelo and don’t know if he can be a playoff winning PG. Portland is still very raw, and Houston’s young core has a lot of talent, but we haven’t seen them play well together, and again, I don’t know if the 0 on defence you get from Green and Sengun could have any success in important games. They have also pushed towards maturity anyway with their roster decisions, so who knows how much playing time the young guys get.

  2. SpursExpanse

    Yea, I’d replace Keldon with Jeremy and say LFG !

  3. Pounddarock

    I’ve seen a lot of people put us low, but we’ve mostly been out at second. I am a big spurs fan, but, really, I think we have the best young core. Everyone seems to think that our young core is good just by virtue of wembanyama, but vassell and Jeremy (shouldn’t be Keldon there imo) are going to really surprise people. As much as I love okc’s core, and I do love it, I just don’t think it has the promise of the spurs’.

    Despite what some people may say, wembanyama is twice the prospect Chet is, and, barring injury, he will be better than shai. Vassell and Jeremy too are on course to be very high level, and I would certainly prefer them over Giddy, who, while further along, I think has some real defensive concerns long term, and lacks offensive burst (which is ok as a secondary ball handler punishing smalls, but giddy did struggle when forced to create against big, strong, and fast players a la shochan). Jalen Williams is the Thunder’s third best prospect over giddy imo, and he might be better than Chet. Still, he came into the league older and more experienced, I don’t think he has quite the development potential Sochan does. Okc’s core is farther along than ours sure, but I’m confident by the end of the upcoming season we will have closed the gap somewhat, and by wembanyama’s second year I would expect us to be there with them as borderline contenders.

    We’re going to get a lot better, fast.

    I don’t know how many of us spurs fans here were around when the Spurs and Okc were battling for the top seeds every year, and played each other in playoffs frequently. We got them sometimes and they got us sometimes. I’m looking forward to a renewed rivalry with them, they’re a great team and organization.

  4. onamonapizza

    Too early to tell.

    Obviously we have high hopes for Wemby, but he is still super young and raw. We have to see how his game translates to the NBA and if his body can withstand an 82 game season.

    Vassell has shown flashes of brilliance but also struggled to stay healthy last season. Granted, there was no reason to rush him back since the Spurs were um….well yeah, they were tanking.

    Will be interesting to see how Johnson fits in with this group. I’m not convinced he is a 1st or 2nd option and actually think he should take the Manu role off the bench.

    Also some nice little pieces with Branham, Wesley, Sochan, and Jones.

  5. AlbumSixForever

    Im officially old. Grew up on the Big Three and 2003-2018 basketball and I don’t know who most of these people are.

  6. DevilGunManga

    If talking about this up coming season, I think we are 2nd to last ahead of the Blazers. The reason is that, for most other young cores, their best players have already established as a star. Only the Spurs and Blazers have an alpha who hasn’t played a single NBA minute. I will put the Rockets right above us from 3rd to last since Sengun is awesome but I’m not a fan of Jalen Green’s game.

    OKC is ahead of the pack by a mile since Shai is now an MVP level player. People who underestimated Cade clearly didn’t see him cooked team USA in training camp. Haliburton is playing very well in world cup so do Banchero and Franz Wagner.

  7. vaselinebaby

    Top 3. OKC is straight up scary. Indiana looking real nice.

  8. MasterMacMan

    Not super relevant, but the core was nothing special in the slightest before Wemby.

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