@Miami Heat

Put this in the bulls subreddit. Curious how the comments compare on here

Prime curry, prime magic

by sammigvic


  1. iApathy---

    We’d whoop their asses. If everyone is at their primes.

  2. Cockycent

    No disrespect to Ron, but I think Horace would be a better fit.

  3. heatrealist

    Heat have too many weapons. They could beat that Bulls team in any era. In a 7 game series that is. A one off game anyone can win.

    Rodman gives nothing offensively. The defense of the Heat would focus in on Curry and do its best to take him out. That leaves MJ to carry the heavy load. Too heavy even for him against all the Heat weapons.

    The Bulls have a chance with 90s era rules though if they muck it up. A chance. Cause the Heat can play that way too.

  4. EvilEmpire84

    according to the basketball world and social media
    micheal jordan would press the button on his jersey and would refuse to lose but only if he had scottie pippen and its a nba finals game … Im a realist tho Heat in 5

  5. Magazine-Soggy

    I’d say Heat have size and spacing on the Bulls. Bulls don’t really have a center, Rodman or Pippen could but they wouldn’t be as good as Bosh at the position. The Bulls are definitely better on the defensive end and have MJ but I think the Heat still win.

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