@New York Knicks

RJ tried. No USA v Canada in the finals

RJ Barrett as Canada falls short in the World Cup semifinals to Serbia:

23 points game high
8-14 shooting
3-8 three
1 steal

by fishyfishy21


  1. zOmgFishes

    Wasn’t bad but wasn’t as good as his score line. He didn’t get aggressive until the 4th and spend the first half basically just standing there waiting for SGA to do something.

    Wish the knicks would run more since RJ is actually pretty good in transition. Had a few nice cuts off ball to get easy looks. 3 ball was okay but still inconsistent.

  2. HokageEzio

    Struggled from 3 but was Canada’s best player besides maybe Walker. Canada couldn’t stop a thing.

  3. ObiOneKenobae

    Disappointing tournament for him overall, still struggling with consistency and missing too many easy looks. He shouldn’t be getting the hate he has for the last two games, you don’t lead the game in scoring by mistake, but the box score *is* more kind than reality.

  4. Hot-Turnover4883

    What’s his overall shooting percentage in FIBA? Last I checked it was 42% from the field.

  5. Mobius24

    Laying bricks overseas, he is quite the humanitarian.

  6. Odysseus_Lannister

    RJ is gonna be a 15-20 ppg guy who puts up 6 boards and 3-4 assists a game while shooting average from deep. It is what it is. He’s good but he’s too inconsistent to be a star in this league and his lows are really low. It’s okay though, I’m not gonna hate. If Randle and or jalen keep their level/elevate their play we’re gonna go far this year.

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