@Toronto Raptors

The whole Canada team walked past the Mixed Zone after the loss to Serbia. Perhaps someone comes back to speak to media at a later time, but not initially.

This is a really bad look. If Luka did this he’d get ripped to shreds while being called a baby and a sore loser.

by Barnicus53


  1. This is insanely embarrassing. Did they come back and talk to the media or not?

  2. RJ Barrett joined Jordi for a postgame presser

  3. flow2ebb2flow

    There are quotes from Jordi and RJ after the game on They needed some time to process the loss as a group. Who cares? I don’t. Nor do I find it embarrassing at all. I don’t give a crap what other people think of it either.

    Edit: And I’m very proud of them.

  4. dutchfromsubway

    What’s the big deal if they talked to them eventually and not right after

  5. WoodenCourage

    I don’t understand what the issue is. They lost a big game and are obviously not happy about it. They are only human. The only thing embarrassing here that I see is that that we expect them to immediately go under the spotlight of the camera and take questions instead of letting them process their emotions in private first.

  6. definitelynotagay

    This is the worst thing that happened in the world this year.

  7. ShadowKnight333

    they just lost. y’all need to stfu

  8. blanche2027

    Bro you’re so soft. Who gives a fuck?

  9. Couldn’t care less. They were one of last 4 sranding and did Canada proud. Only the inferiority complex ridden douchebags would worry about this being “bad look”. F those people.

  10. Zestyclose-Beach1792

    This isn’t the post game press conference, I’m confused.

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