@Denver Nuggets

State of the Denver Nuggets Bench

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  1. Great to see that you’re doing well bro and congrats on the move. Wish u all the success in the future. I’m on my hoops writer journey too, gonna be tough as I’m from the uk but it’s my dream to move to Boston eventually and be a writer on the Celtics and covering them daily. Literally my dream job n you’re genuinely an inspiration 🙏

  2. Do u think Nuggets higher ups got complacent and took their foot off the gas this summer off the back of a championship. On-paper, the bench looks quite weak but I guess a positive is that it wasn’t necessarily an issue that held them back last season right? Some nice players but prob just not enough of them on that bench to a point where they can take major responsibility in keeping things flowing when stars are rested.

  3. don't worry that much about reggie.. and don't be one of those (everybody) that'll be late to see the value of justin holiday

  4. The bench is why I think we dont win the championship this season, but will the season after. CB would need to take a ridiculous jump in his offensive game that im not confident he can take in one season. In two though, different story. Same with Pwat

  5. Gonna miss Vlatko. Dude was on his way to more mins off the bench, but him being out opens up big opportunity for Zeke. Not confident in Reggie J. Hoping Christian and P-Wat step up big. Look for one of the rooks to be big contributor by playoff time.

  6. Shooting off the bench is a problem. Gillespie? Tyson? Strawther? Wow, scary young. Holiday? Hmm, no. Picket? Shooting not his strength. Will Malone wear out the starting 5 because he can't find other scorers? Have Christian, Zeke, and P-Watt improved their shooting range over the summer? Good take, bro. Bench is worrisome, but it'll be fun to see who might have a breakout season!

  7. If we can get Christian Braun and PJ Watson to develope further into what we lost in Bruce then the statistics and the eye test that is so conjectual for the NBA Enthusiast can be more clear then speculative on the question of how this can keep this Denver Nuggets team into another championship contender, in a stacked top heavy west.

    Im very very Optimistic of Denver Recreating a bruce brown from these young bloods on the bench, espicially Chirstian Braun.

  8. One thing I would say about the rookies is that they aren't really "young" players, I mean yes in terms of NBA experience obviously they're lacking but I think Tyson and Pickett are like 22 and 23, and Strawther is 21. That's already a few years older than PWat was last year as a rookie. I think the Nuggets made sure to draft older players who can contribute now and won't be long term projects.

  9. Currently, I've been re-watching our playoff run and I can't tell you how many times Bruce Brown has come in, made a few key plays and then shifted the momentum of the ball game in our favor. He did it was confidence, poise and a veteran's instinct for how to move off the ball and what choices to execute in the flow of the game. I keep thinking "If it wasn't for Bruce Brown, I'm not sure how things would've turned out." Moreover, every dynasty has had a solid 6 man, we lost that and I don't think you can when a championship without that. Nonetheless, I still think there's a chance we might be surprised. I also think we should have more players in the rotation to have a balance of shooting and defense. But… I'm worried about next year until the bench has proven itself. Hopefully, they'll do better than anticipated.

  10. Pickett and Tyson are not that young though. They lack NBA experience but they have plenty of basketball experience

  11. Great video as always. You did a great job elaborating on what Lana Rhoades' baby daddy did for our team. I'm pretty confident in the young guys, though. Calvin Booth has nailed his FO decisions so far.

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