@Golden State Warriors

Things Aren’t Looking Good for Klay Thompson

Klay Thompson expects a max contract but so far the Warriors haven’t given it to him. Since he’s come back from injury Klay’s attitude is a lot different than before. There could be very bad news for Warrior fans coming soon about Klay.


  1. Angry Klay might be what emerges during courses of steroidal anti-inflammatory treatment for his old injury. From personal experience, that stuff can pump you up like Peruvian marching powder. But this is pure irresponsible speculation and projection on my part. 😂

  2. Klay Thompson on 1234 four rings Devin Booker to your zero rinks 🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. I would trade Klay when Jalen Brown was insecure in Boston. He and Marcus Smart would give GSW another chip.

  4. Klay is still affected by both of his injuries, missing time and coming back into prime form. He's not the defensive player or rim attacker he was before the injuries and all of this is coming out in his "sh!t talking"

  5. Honestly and I’ve always liked Klay as a player and person but he’s a 6th-7th man now on a good team I feel for him but it is what it is

  6. A good athlete is cocky that's what makes them so good. Klay is a second generation NBA champion not too many of those around

  7. Kerr needs to ask Klay to come off the bench. At this point in his career, all the miles and injuries. Klay is not the same player defensively and it shows on the court. When both Curry and Klay are out there they have one of the weakest defensive backcourts in the NBA.

  8. Klay will take the pay cut just because it’s Klay, but he’s absolutely worth the max and helped deliver on a championship after the injuries.

  9. An insecure person throws his four titles in a kids face? 😂 bad take man. Especially after the exits Phoenix has had in the past few years. Bron threw his ring in the face of all Cleveland fans when he was being booed when he was on Miami.

  10. I believe Clay is not going to go for a Max contract because of the payout he got while he was injured and we need to leave room in the salary cap available for Giannis in 2024/2025

  11. You know who's overpaid?
    Whoever had the nerve to make this list for clickbait. People that make lists like this can't play ball 🤷🏾‍♂️ijs

  12. He should be a humble dude. I'd say you want a high dollar contract. Make the same shots, but even more so. Play previous level of D. You were already paid 47mil to sit out. For year's. He's a valuable piece, but he has to realize he's made way more than most all player's a year. Even player's nowadays aren't getting what he did year's ago. I figured he'd take a mid-level or even a little more than a Vet Minimum.. Be real Klay, don't get greedy and lose your legacy by going out looking bad on another team that's not nearly as good.. Even if you got more money.. Remember you got yours for year's while out and deservedly so. You earned that money, being able to play or not. Yet you need to realize they need you and also need you to realize the player you are now.. Yet not even as much as that. But so you guy's can also help bring in more players to get your more rings. The young guy Kuminga could have a breakout year also. Let the new guy's come up, or you will be asking the GSW to trade their youth for you. Don't be that guy man.. You're better than this Klay. Take a pretty hefty cut. It doesn't mean you aren't still a definite hall of famer who beat all the odds. You have a better year than last and play most all games. I'm sure you will get at least a decent contract. But it has to be with age, defense, consistency and value throughout the remaining years.

  13. Klay has his rings.Has nothing to prove to anyone.Shut up and stop hating.Go make some content of substance.

  14. if kobe does it its okay but if a light skinned does it its not? lmao these white content creators man

  15. So Klay came back off 2 major injuries and people think his defense was go be the same or greater. Klay will come back healthier than last year and he definitely deserves his extension. Go watch some of his interviews he did this summer. He hungry and I believe the warriors will win a 5th ring

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