@Brooklyn Nets

Look who was at Disney world today!

The legend himself!

Sat a few rows behind him on a ride. Wife insisted it was him and i kept blowing her off since he seemed like just a regular guy taking pictures of the attractions and all. He also looks so much leaner than from his time at the Nets. As soon as i saw the Stanford sandals thats when i was like yeah that’s definitely him. Approached him and ask for a pic and congratulated him on winning a ring. Asked him to come back to Brooklyn too 😂

by jetopia


  1. TheMongolianLemonade

    What did he say about coming back to Brooklyn? I hope he said yes.

  2. NudeEnjoyer

    ayee great picture, he seems like such a great dude. how’d ya manage to notice him? LMAO I forget how insanely big NBA centers are. you’re right though, he looks kinda lean here

  3. tragedy_of_97

    Lopez is awesome. Will always be one of my favorites. Wish we had him, he’d fit perfect with Ben 😅

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