@Los Angeles Clippers

The Disrespect to the Klaw ✋

Like he hasn’t proven himself yet smh

by GibbsYeetem


  1. UrDadsFave

    I really don’t even want PG on this list. Last time he played for the USA was one of the most gruesome things I’ve seen.

  2. GoblinTradingGuide

    We don’t need PG or Kawhi risking anymore than they have to

  3. xLovexMachinex

    I just don’t understand why booker tho has he proven anything? Yea he made the finals and is an all star but I don’t know

  4. Salty_Watermelon

    Off topic, but it’s becoming apparent that the USA will try to win the Olympics using star power alone and take away all the wrong lessons to ensure further disappointment at the next FIBA World Cup.

    If the NBA wasn’t so hyper focused on increasing ad revenue for the benefit of billionaire owners, we could have a reduced a regular season with a few “international breaks”, similar to soccer. Create opportunities for NBA players suit up for their country more regularly so that there is some semblance of consistency and increased opportunities to work on team deficiencies. That creates a better product on the floor and helps promote the game even further to international audiences.

    Would be a hell of a lot better than the midseason tournament that is like a half baked imitation of the English League Cup.

  5. 693275001

    Wait how did Aaron Gordon sneak onto that bench lmaooo

  6. Itsmemanmeee

    Dude, the guy never plays, and when he does, he lets his team know an hour before tip-off.

    Too much at stake with this. I respect the man’s talent, I do, but he’s just not reliable, and this sort of team requires professionals.

    I honestly feel the word’s out, everyone’s had it with him starting back when he pulled this shit with Pop and the Spurs, and the whole team called him out very publicly on it.

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