@Miami Heat

How you think he will fit

How you think he will fit

by Random_Thinker007


  1. alfredisonfire

    Instant offense off the bench and he also has potential to develop and improve his defense here. And for the minimum contract he’s probably gonna get, that’s a pretty solid pick up lol

  2. yummy_yum_yum123

    We need a guard more than we need him tbh, unless we get dame

  3. Will help with handsomeness in the event of Tyler or Kyle leaving

  4. CautionarySnow

    A rotation piece that can slot in at the 2-4 when needed due to injury. Which for the minimum is beyond great.

  5. realudonishaslem

    I’m not that high on him, I heard he’s a massive ball hog. Averages exactly one assist per game. Obviously his role isn’t a facilitator but I still wonder how he’ll fit to Spo’s system which values ball movement. IMO if we have one minimum slot left it should go to Cam Payne, not this guy.

  6. Ordinary_Foot9785

    Not a fan and don’t have much interest. Can’t shoot and too small to play 4. I would much rather have had Christian Wood.

  7. BlackberryGlad7249

    He will blossom. I think he’s a very inconsistent shooter but I see spo fixing that. Honestly great pick up by the heat

  8. spykeyyy2

    If we lose Duncan and herro in the trade we are gonna need guards

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