@Miami Heat

How Did Miami Heat Fans End Up Ranked Among the Most Annoying in the NBA?

How Did Miami Heat Fans End Up Ranked Among the Most Annoying in the NBA?

by ThaCarter


  1. MiaHeat420

    I’m a Heat fan and even I don’t like a lot of y’all so I trust the methodology they used.

    >Study Claims Miami Heat Fans Are Among NBA’s Most Annoying
    >They hate us ’cause they ain’t us.

    Best response you could give when someone claims you’re annoying

  2. Sebeeschin

    Crazy how the Knicks fans can be among the most annoying when they do 0 winning

  3. Bigben1887

    Because we win. Winning sports teams are universally hated

  4. Bigben1887

    Because we win. Winning sports teams are universally hated

  5. MediocreDVaMain

    “The Heat suck”

    “No we don’t and here’s why”

    “OMG what a toxic fanbase”

  6. Timantha

    I hope one day fans of other teams experience a superstar asking a trade to their team. They’ll finally understand why we been acting all crazy. Last summer, it was Suns fans with KD. This summer, it’s us with Dame haha

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