@National Basketball Association

[ESPN] Kevin Porter Jr.’s alleged attack on his girlfriend at a New York City hotel left the woman with a fractured neck vertebrae, prosecutors revealed at his arraignment Tuesday.


> Houston Rockets guard Kevin Porter Jr.’s alleged attack on his girlfriend at a New York City hotel left the woman with a fractured neck vertebrae and a cut above her right eye, prosecutors revealed at his arraignment Tuesday.

> Porter, 23, is charged with felony assault and strangulation in connection with the incident Monday at the Millennium Hilton near the United Nations in Manhattan. He was not required to enter a plea during his brief court appearance.

by UnbiasedNBAFan_


  1. TheBiasedSportsLover

    Fucking disgrace of a human being, I hope Kevin Porter Jr. is blackballed from NBA if there’s enough public pressure.

  2. KneelBeforeCube

    He must have gone full force to fracture a neck vertebrae, he probably wasn’t that far away from killing the poor girl. I really hope he never sees a pro basketball court again.

  3. mMounirM

    damn strangle so hard you fracture a bone???

    bye bye

  4. Obviously all domestic violence is awful but strangulation is another level, it’s a huge red flag that your partner is far more likely to murder you.

    Truly hope the victim’s getting the help she needs.

  5. Hopefully that piece of shit never plays in the NBA again.

  6. HopScotchyScotch

    Let this be the last of his playing days. No room for “men” like this anywhere let alone the NBA. Disgusting and disgraceful.

  7. jgw_geneseo

    I hope he gets the help he needs while serving a sentence and never plays in NBA again. What a POS.

  8. TheKnightsEnd

    Yeah, he’s done—rightfully so. Get him the fuck out of here.

  9. Due_Incident_9738

    Bro gonna get cooked on rikers

  10. _Jetto_

    Not a fan when I heard about the locker room incident. That’s just unhinged right there

  11. RyyKarsch

    What an absolute piece of shit. Hope his career is done and that Kysre is able to recover and continue her career / life.

  12. FreshGus

    I’d like to see NBA players speak out against domestic violence incidents in the league, but sadly the trend seems to be these guys stay quiet or even pretend like it didn’t happen (Miles Bridges…). WNBA players, though, may be in a powerful position to call on their NBA peers to stand up and say something.

  13. the_beast_intha_east

    I already distrust the NBA’s social Justice reputation despite liking what they try to do.

    If this guy EVER finds his way on an NBA team, (I mean EVER) then they’re absolutely, wholly fraudulent. Tbh I’m already feeling this way after Bridges.

  14. jagoomba


    NBA condones these actions every second this loser remains in the league.

  15. phuijun

    Jesus. KPJ needs jail time and counseling.

  16. Potential_Lock6945

    We read all of this and then get reminded that NBA is going to let Miles Bridges play this upcoming season

  17. spolubot

    Not just career over but should be getting charged for attempted murder. Disgusting and dangerous person. What kind of person responds with this level of murderous anger over being locked out of a room. This man is a risk to everyone around him.

  18. Potijelli

    Everybody in here wanting him removed from the NBA but that’s light. He should be removed from society.

  19. N3phewJemima

    Well, if all else fails he can join the Hornets

  20. MalikCunninghamMVP

    Saudi Arabia found their star

  21. cantcooklovefood

    Cut out his knee and give it to Lonzo

  22. TisKey2323

    Always knew he was an idiot because he behaves like one…these kids get all the money in the world and become dummer. If you don’t have a good circle around you, then hire folks that can put you in the right place. Use that money for your own good and well-being. You have more than enough money, dammn!!!

  23. hotterpocketzz

    Can’t be that hard to just not hit your girlfriend mannn.

  24. shadow_spinner0

    I see clowns on twitter be like “how can he assault her” sighting her attractiveness. Cause if she was ugly it would be justified?

  25. DeanEvasonPunch

    At what point in the process of beating your significant other are you not like “wow I’m a fucking terrible person. what am I doing?”

  26. tattoedblues

    Yo he broke her fucking neck? I really hope they can hit him with attempted murder

  27. BKtoDuval

    god damn, punched her with a closed fist and strangled her? this dude should not be walking the streets. I hope she heal and move forward from this.

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