
Attack the Rim Like Dennis Schröder

Dennis Schröder is easily one of the more underrated point guards in the league, and his game is very unique to me. Even if you’re not the fastest player in the world, you can learn a lottttt from some of the crafty and exciting techniques he puts to use.


  1. “The gospel is that I am so sinful that Jesus had to die for me, yet so loved and valued that Jesus was glad to die for me. This leads to deep humility and deep confidence at the same time. I can’t feel superior to anyone, and yet I have nothing to prove to anyone.”
    – Tim Keller

  2. I was able to watch him warmup live against the Knicks up close last season. He doesn't have the prettiest jumpshot like Klay Thompson. But you can tell if you leave him open he'll make it, and he has the ability to get hot and knock down 4-5 in a row. Effortlessly quick. One of those, now he's here, now he's not. One of my favorite players dating back to his days in Atlanta

  3. I’ve always said Dennis is just the scoring version of rondo their bags are insanely similar

  4. Great video! I hope to see more videos on how players drive to the hoop as I struggle with driving but by incorporating Schroders techniques with getting low and having a stab step outwards may help!

  5. Jesus heard that. So he said to them, “Those who are healthy don’t need a doctor. Sick people do. I have not come to get those who think they are right with God to follow me. I have come to get sinners to follow me.”

    Mark 2:17

  6. I have a similar playstyle to dennis. I'm fast, don't have the best jumpshot but tries, and am good at attacking the rim. I'll have to try what he does.

  7. Have you considered doing a video on Jordin Canada? She’s a great example of an all round point and it could provide a lot for smaller guards

  8. The hesi, behind the back, look for the screen then takeoff was a signature move of mine back in the day. Using the spin, so the defender will exhale, then win the race to the hoop is genius!

    I always hated that he couldn’t get a starting gig after he left Atlanta.

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