@National Basketball Association

At FIBA, Anthony Edwards was inappropriately asked by a reporter if he would rather trade Towns or Gobert. Initially, Edwards merely looked off the ridiculous query. Then he turned back and strongly declared “Neither one, man. I love them. They my brothers. I wouldn’t trade neither one of them.”

Source: [Six takeaways from the 2023 FIBA World Cup](

We got some new copypasta in the house!

**Full excerpt:**

>There was one World Cup moment that truly stood out from the 22-year-old’s time in Manila. After Team USA’s 110-64 blasting of Jordan to finish 3-0 in the first round, there was surely a jovial spirit in the mixed zone — what essentially amounts to a makeshift hallway, where players walk off the court toward their locker rooms and media members can meet them at the waist-high divider for some semblance of conversation.
>Edwards was, quite inappropriately, asked by a European reporter which of his teammates would he rather trade: Towns or Rudy Gobert. At first, Edwards merely looked off the ridiculous query. Then, when he was done being questioned about something entirely reasonable, Edwards actually paused, turning back to the disrespectful media member and strongly declared: “Neither one, man. I like all my teammates. I love them. They my brothers. I wouldn’t trade neither one of them.” It was the most impressive moment from Edwards, in terms of his development from prospect to superstar. Far more than anything he did between the painted lines.

by Minute-Decent


  1. Minute-Decent

    This is wholesome but also lowkey a great copypasta haha

  2. lugubrea

    There seem to be so many reporters who do nothing but try to bait a response that can be clipped to make the player look bad.

  3. WernerHerzog69420

    Wait…him saying that he wouldn’t trade the two max players on his team was the most impressive moment of his Team USA run? Did this writer expect him to say “I’d trade Gobert, he’s a bum” or something? “France? Sounds wack.”?

  4. Acrobatic-Reaction-7

    I dislike the way Westbrook plays but man was he 100% spot on when he said the media baits so many internal situations in the NBA.

    I shouldn’t have said “I dislike Westbrook” since I don’t know him personally, I can’t make a judgement on his character.

  5. mMounirM

    Kai Jones: I would trade Mark Williams, Brandon Miller, Lamelo Ball… matter of fact trade the whole team.

  6. “How dare you ask me this question? Both tho.”

  7. Shingorillaz

    At the leauge office, Adam Silver was inappropriately asked by a reporter if he would rather ban Kevin Porter jr or Miles Bridges. Initially, Silver merely looked off the ridiculous query. Then he turned back and strongly declared “Neither one, man. I love them. They my brothers. I wouldn’t ban neither one of them.”

  8. marsupialsuperstar_

    It’s the only thing he really could’ve said, but it aligns with everything he’s said to this point in his career. He’s one of the best teammates in the league

  9. KingNephew

    The second McDaniels starts to average a consistent 20ppg, KAT needs to be shipped out expeditiously.

  10. eggnogeggnogeggnog

    Butler was, quite inappropriately, asked by a European reporter which of his teammates would he rather trade: Towns or Andrew Wiggins. At first, Butler merely looked off the ridiculous query. Then, when he was done being questioned about something entirely reasonable, Butler actually paused, turning back to the disrespectful media member and strongly declared: “Both, man. I dislike both of them. I hate them. They my little brothers. I would trade both of them for a dollar.” It was the most impressive moment from Butler, in terms of his development from superstar to Miami superstar. Far more than anything he did between the painted lines.

  11. wanderinglittlehuman

    At FIBA, Steve Kerr was inappropriately asked by a reporter if he would rather play Jaren Jackson Jr. or Walker Kessler at center. Initially, Kerr, merely looked off the ridiculous query. Then he turned back and strongly declared, “Neither one man. I love them. They my brothers. I wouldn’t play neither of them at center.”

  12. huge-tits

    Towns for sure though. How much longer can Minnesota keep paying this supposed “top 10 player in the league”?

  13. DarkSeneschal

    “Both of ‘em, get ‘em out. I run Minny now.”

  14. Moonalyst

    Kudos to the young guy for showing some grace in response.

    Personally, I would’ve told the report to go fuck himself/herself.

  15. Mygaffer

    Inappropriate? It’s fair game to ask, even if it would gauche to actually answer.

  16. Man, this Timberwolves team gets such a disproportionate amount of shit from the media & fans lol

    Like wtf did we ever do?

  17. Misterstaberinde

    Someone link this to Embiid and tell him that’s how you attract useful teammates

  18. Ramu_1702

    Fuck these kind of garbage reporters. I really hope AI takes over job from bums like these people

  19. RVAIsTheGreatest

    Ant has really matured over the last year and is ready to take the leadership mantle in Minnesota. Excited to see him as the top dog this season in Minnesota. I think he and KAT playing off him is going to be a very dynamic duo.

  20. BodegaDaddy

    imagine if he said “Neither. Trade me.”

  21. barath_s

    Reporter inappropriately asks mother which of her kids she would trade

    At first, the mother merely looked off the ridiculous query. Then, when she was done being questioned about something entirely reasonable, she actually paused, turning back to the disrespectful media member and strongly declared: “Neither one, man. I like all my children. I love them. They my kids. I wouldn’t trade neither one of them.” It was the most impressive moment from her

  22. robograndpa

    You know this won’t stop the nephews on this sub with spreading the narrative that everyone including Gobert’s mom hates Gobert

  23. NBA players aren’t required to nor are they adequately prepped to face the bait that media throws at them but a response like this says volumes about his maturity and his potential as a future star / face of the league.

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