@Los Angeles Lakers

Who remembers this comedy clip here?

Who remembers this comedy clip here?

by angryshoper


  1. MrAppleSpoink

    Lmao I thought for a second wilt was raising an eyebrow at her

  2. kiwiwikikiwiwikikiwi

    Is that Jackie McMullen?

    I remember the endless congratulating of the Clippers.

    “Who is gonna score on this team? You have Kawhi and PG, the best two way duo since MJ and Scottie” lmao

  3. BadgerSauce

    MacMullen is as bad as Bob Ryan. They’re massive Celtics homers who know fuck all about basketball and just spew nonsense out of their mouth about Bill Russell because “11”.

  4. crunchyfrogs

    I remember when the clippers were the favorite to win the championship, and then after the Lakers won everyone said of course the Lakers won.

  5. angryshoper

    My favorite quote from her was who’s gonna score against the clippers lmaoooo

  6. Czilla760

    Have you guys seen the clippers sub reddit lately? There just whining about all these articles about the new players rest protocols all have pictures of claw and pg 13 on the bench lol. There so salty about that

  7. SuspiciousFinance284

    Yeah the gap is 17 championships.

  8. Exalted_Mango

    Sometimes i watch these hot takes on the bus on the way to work to alleviate stress

  9. Doctor_Oc

    The funniest part of her take to me was Kawhi is so much easier to plug in to any team than AD” I rmr watching this live thinking wth is she on about?!?

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