@Denver Nuggets

It’s dumb trade proposal season!

It’s dumb trade proposal season!

by pweepish


  1. pweepish

    I can’t understand why we wouldn’t jump all over trading MPJ for Bojan and Burks.

  2. DammitBobby1234

    I’ve seen a lot worse fake trade proposals out there, this is actually a fairly reasonable one if the nuggets did want to move off Porters max contract. That being said the nuggets still wouldn’t do this now that we’ve won a championship.

  3. OptionalBagel

    Take off the protections on the first and I wonder how tempted Booth would be to do this.

  4. murrayforthree

    Someone said Murray for Giannis.. Lmao

  5. JokAllYouWant2023

    We have 6 of our 8 playoff players and ran through the nba playoffs. Any trades involving any of those 6 players should wait until the deadline when we know if there’s an actual issue or not.

  6. DtownAndOut

    The media is pushing hard for a MPJ trade but I haven’t seen any locals or team sources saying it.

  7. BoneyardBill

    This isn’t that bad actually. But we don’t have 2 roster spots.

  8. Shenanigans80h

    There’s a non-zero chance that we do explore trading MPJ in the next 3 ish years, just given his contract and relative role on the team. That said it’s not happening this season unless the wheels fall off. We had the most lethal starting 5 in the postseason and we still have that; fucking with a successful formula and chemistry isn’t at the forefront of our FO’s mind I imagine

  9. MoooonRiverrrr

    I think Reggie and Zeke are the only realistic trade assets this year. Maybe one of the rookies, but idk.


    Don’t fuck with the team chemistry right now

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