@National Basketball Association

[Windhorst] The Portland Trail Blazers want the Miami Heat to “literally scrounge into every nook and cranny and produce everything they possibly can” in a package for Lillard. The Heat haven’t done so and haven’t felt the need to do so “since June.”

[Windhorst] The Portland Trail Blazers want the Miami Heat to “literally scrounge into every nook and cranny and produce everything they possibly can” in a package for Lillard. The Heat haven’t done so and haven’t felt the need to do so “since June.”

by UnbiasedNBAFan_


  1. Super_Goomba64

    Zion wants Golden Corral to “literally scrounge into every nook and cranny and produce everything they can ” to feed him

  2. ChunkyMilkSubstance

    Sounds like my last colonoscopy

  3. russt_76

    Sounds like a reasonable request when you are trading the franchise’s superstar

  4. Syndana23

    That makes sense. why would Miami feel the need to? The new rules will make it hard to sit Dame without being fined out the ass. No other team is giving Portland what they want for him either with the way Dame and his agent carried on this summer before Silver told them to knock it off

    He will end up in Miami eventually. Pat, Spo and em know it. I don’t mind it either cause I want a rematch with Miami, this time with their big 3 of Dame, Jimmy and Bam. Would be an exciting second duel

  5. xpillindaass

    blazers can fuck off 🤣 enjoy your trash season

  6. For what’s it’s worth, the real dropping dimes just tweeted that “windy is capping & the deal is almost done”

  7. HmongOGSmite

    Well Dame, looks like your staying in Portland for life!

    Enjoy your stay. At east you’ll make the hall of fame and get payed handsomely.

  8. CalmResearch3132

    I’m no longer entertained. Make Dame give the money back.

  9. Acrobatic-Dog7044

    Dropping Dimes just tweeted that Windy is capping and the deal is almost done. Legacy moment on the line time to see who is the fraud could be a PR push from Windy so Blazers FO could save face after getting a poor return for Dame. Lol if Heat manages to keep Herro in the end then absolute masterclass from Pat Riley on this trade.

  10. IslandChillin

    Pat Riley is the last dude to give a fuck about a 30+ player like Lillard. The Heat win with coaching and Jimmy is older than people realize. Adding him and Lillard could be interesting for about 2 seasons. But I don’t think Lillard gets them over the hump which is why I think Pat Riley is hesitant

  11. yeender

    Cool then they don’t get him. Moving on

  12. steve1186

    As Portland should. He’s a top-5 offensive threat in the league right now who could easily lead the league in scoring this season, and they should maximize his trade value.

  13. Btotherianx

    I love lillard but the asking price for his age is to high. He won’t get the heat a title in a trade like this; it’d be a huge mistake, imo

  14. toadtruck

    Why aren’t heat fans mad at their FO? Lowballing a championship piece doesn’t look good.

    Look at all the rattled no flairs

  15. North-Maximum-6958

    Photocopier, YOU are a portland trailblazer.

  16. likesexonlycheaper

    Please trade him somewhere else for less than Miami is offering, out of spite.

  17. ArachnidUnusual7114

    The Heat made the finals as a play-in team last season. They don’t need Lillard.

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