@National Basketball Association

Lebron on why he hates Boston: “Because they’re racist as fuck that’s why”.

Lebron on why he hates Boston: “Because they’re racist as fuck that’s why”.

by RyanTannegod


  1. randy88moss

    Coincidentally, 98% of IP addresses of nbacj members are located there

  2. “They probably sold the shirt at the team shop”


  3. Only-Alarm545

    Call me a racist if you want, but south of the border is a sea of violence, corruption and stupidity I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. I just thank my lucky stars I live in Canada.

  4. ShowerMartini

    I’ll save everyone some time…

    >all of America is racist tho


    >yeah but we can acknowledge that Boston has a unique history and there’s a specific Boston racism


    >yeah that’s true

  5. True-Match-6446

    Lol…says the guy who sucks China’s dick on a regular basis. Fuck LeBron.

  6. dowder2111

    Didn’t someone spray paint the N word on Lebron’s house in LA a few years back? Does that mean LA is racist as fuck?

  7. phillyhoffmangoat

    Nobody respects Lebron’s opinion on race anymore anyways after the Jazmine Barnes incident lol

    When it was thought that she was killed by a White person and I can paint all White people as racists, I will tweet endlessly about the need to bring her White killer to justice. The minute though it is brought to light she was killed by a Black person, I will tweet about it a grand total of 0 times. I just do not care anymore lol

  8. 08tonyallen

    I always find it hilarious when I remember he’s a part owner of the Red Sox

  9. RylanKura

    Should’ve read the Celtics subreddit when this first dropped. I was speechless

  10. WhydYouTradeMarcus

    Jazmine Barnes and Daryl Morey, Lebron. Care to speak on them?

  11. AccomplishedFront563

    Now I wonder how Lebron views the Chinese slaves he uses to manufacture his shoes, or the Uyghur slavery he defends every year.

    Fucking hypocrite only cares when it affects him.

  12. Keep beating the dead horse dude. That was 1 year ago.

  13. maremmacharly

    Noone more racist than lebron “I don’t give a shit about asian people” james

  14. If you love Trump and Jesus it’s OK to be racist. Just remember Trump comes before Jesus.

  15. Hogo-Nano

    I need the Celtics to draft Bronny James just for the absolute chaos it would cause.

  16. Fuck him. We don’t chant “Fuck You,” to Lebron because he’s black. We chant “fuck you” to Lebron because we yell that at everyone. We yell that to random people in traffic, to our neighbors, our best friends, and our wives and mothers. Athletes like Lebron come into the pit of anger that is Boston and experience so much more hostility than they’re used to that they assume its because we’re offended by their race. No, its mostly because we are offended by everyone. And its true that there are plenty white supremacists in New England, the same as there are everywhere where white people dwell, but believe me those cunts are far less safe from our vitriol than you are. So take solace in the knowledge that if any of those assholes do cross the line between our collective general hatred of everyone that exists (including each other), into hatred because of the color of your skin, they endure a life of well deserved constant attacks and hostility from everyone around them, and they say that shit out loud in public, they are unlikely to make it out of the stadium safely. And despite our general hostility to all humans that breath, the inner beauty behind our lack of manners is that we will not smile to your face and then stab you in the back. No, we would much rather you be fully aware of what we have to say about you.

  17. Hagdogrobinwood

    Most players in all the leagues says the same thing about Boston.

  18. I’m willing to accept this criticism from just about any poster, other than someone whose team is from a state that thinks Trump and DeSantis are great leaders.

  19. Look_Behind_You__

    He’s not wrong about Boston being racist, but how is a Fuck LBJ shirt racist?

  20. I’ve lived in and around boston my whole life. What is really accurate is that the racism in boston is unique. We’re not any more racist than other cities on average imo, it’s the overtness of some of the racism that can be pretty bad, and a lot of that is due to how non diverse the city used to be. The city itself has changed a lot over though, gotten heavily gentrified over the past 20 years, and is filled with young professionals. The demographics are wildly different than when something like good will hunting was filmed. Im brown and have a big beard and ive personally only had issues at sporting events (specifically pats and celtics). Outside of that ive had 0 issue, but imo a reason is because sporting events people flock from other areas outside the city limits and then you add alcohol to the mix.

    With that said, ive been to sporting events all across teh country. Despite living in MA my whole life, i feel more uncomfortable at celtics games than i do when i’ve been to games in nyc, houston, LA, chicago etc. So you can draw your own conclusions from that.

  21. Natureboy7939

    After the 27,000th athlete reports this I am beginning to think Boston might be racist.

  22. hypercafspazz

    The city of Boston itself is culturally diverse and full of smart people from all over the world. When you step out of the city in any direction by 100 yards you run into lots of scary townies.

  23. ExpectedOutcome2

    Let’s see the spray paint on your gate LeBron. Can’t believe anything this guy says.

  24. Typical-Reserve2487

    Two things things can be true.

    1. Boston is racist, more racist then your average city. It should be acknowledged and talked about.

    2. People who use this as an opportunity to make fun of average non-racist Celtics fan shouldn’t get mad when they clap back.

  25. kapparino-feederino

    Hate boston for being racist as fuck

    loves china tho

    loves the saudis too

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