@Miami Heat

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be the only sane person in an insane world?

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be the only sane person in an insane world?

by MiaHeat420


  1. limpl0uie

    I legitimately don’t know why you guys are so mad at Five Reasons. All the Dame news that’s been happening the past couple of days that the big name insiders have been saying is stuff that’s been talked about on the Five Reasons podcast for like 2 months. If you listened to the podcast you would know none of this supposedly breaking news is new at all. Spears, Woj, Shams, literally every juicy bit of Dame gossip they’ve brought up in the past 2 days was already said on Five Reasons and they have been extremely consistent about it. I’m not even asking you to believe me. Go listen to the episodes yourself and you’ll hear what I’m talking about. As in, there’s actual audio evidence that they’ve been saying all of this stuff for a while now. So if you’re willing to believe the big name insiders, then you should be willing to believe Five Reasons.

  2. ryanl23

    Self sabotaging yourself to promote yourself. I see what you’re doing here, Greg.

    Also fuck you, you’re dumb as shit and nobody cares about you, except while reading Reddit and Twitter on the toilet

  3. Headsdown7up

    I don’t get all the hate I really don’t. They put out a good product

  4. sharpshooter0600

    Can’t wait for the notification that baby boy got sent to Utah 🥰

  5. MediocreDVaMain

    “As part of the Damian Lillard deal, the Miami Heat are sending Greg Sylvander of Five reasons sports for Aaron Frentess of the Oregonian.”

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