@Miami Heat


If Damian Lillard is traded to a team other than Miami, he is expected to ask to be traded to the Heat.” per @flasportsbuzz and @Anthony_Chiang

by lomasturbasmeng


  1. Breadmakesyoufatt

    * Dame gets traded to Toronto *

    Dame: “Cool, cool.. I’ll be at home, packing for Miami, whenever you guys feel like trading me there”

  2. jbenson255

    Ngl i really love this from dame he’s doing everything possible to come here. Praying it gets done

  3. SeniorAd7061


    To all the Portland and other fans that wAnT hIm tO bE tRaDeD aNyWhErE bUt tHe hEaT

  4. Ohhh I get it! So the 4team deal is literally 4 teams getting Dame, one after the other. That way everyone wins! Great:

    1. dame traded to Toronto. POR can be happy that they traded Dame far away from south beach and that they treated him like shit. And they didn’t desl with Miami. 👍

    2. Dame gets traded to Suns in a 3 Team deal. Ayton goes to Toronto, Dame and Nurk end up in Phoenix.

    3. Dame gets transferred over to San Antonio.

    4. SA gets Herro and filler, we get Dame.



    Please, don’t come yelling at me how the Suns don’t have the means to take in both Nurk and Dame.

  5. iankstarr

    The home crowd reaction for Dame’s first appearance in Miami is going to be fucking legendary lmao

  6. yummy_yum_yum123

    Any other player would of been sent already.
    But there’s a hate boner towards miami

  7. avinash240

    All this means is that there are other teams interested in trading for him.

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