I’ve long wanted it and the matching shirt, just can’t justify paying a reseller over 300$. Straight 🔥 collection.
Picked it up at the arena at an mlse event
Got mine from China for $30
Look on Kijiji
Yes! One of the few benefits that season ticket holders got. We got access to Real Sports in the ACC before they went on sale to the public and we’re able to buy up to 2 hats and shirts of the OVO ones.
Yup. But I bought literally everything after they won. So. Many. Things.
Got a knock off, on DH Gate for like $15. Everything looks perfect but there is a major stitch right in the forehead ahead, can barely wear it for an hour.
I’ve long wanted it and the matching shirt, just can’t justify paying a reseller over 300$. Straight 🔥 collection.
Picked it up at the arena at an mlse event
Got mine from China for $30
Look on Kijiji
Yes! One of the few benefits that season ticket holders got. We got access to Real Sports in the ACC before they went on sale to the public and we’re able to buy up to 2 hats and shirts of the OVO ones.
Yup. But I bought literally everything after they won. So. Many. Things.
Got a knock off, on DH Gate for like $15. Everything looks perfect but there is a major stitch right in the forehead ahead, can barely wear it for an hour.