@National Basketball Association

[Miles Bridges] calls out Austin Rivers: “Y’all hoopers get on these podcasts and talk like y’all really like that. Speaking on other teams like y’all know what’s going on and most the people talking the most shit don’t play at all. We gone see all that this year on me”


Miles Bridges:

>“Y’all hoopers get on these podcasts and talk like y’all really like that. Speaking on other teams like y’all know what’s going on and most the people talking the most shit don’t play at all. We gone see all that this year on me”

[This appears to be in response to Austin Rivers comments on the Hornets](

Austin Rivers:

>”Surround LaMelo [Ball] around fucking people that can help him tap into his potential, not deplete it… There’s still teams that do it right. I don’t see this problem in OKC… That sh*t don’t fly there.”

by AashyLarry


  1. illestchosen

    possibly right message, definitely wrong messenger

  2. JewBronJames

    Miles Bridges has no self awareness. First the broken heart emojis after the KPJ arrest and now this? Look in the mirror bro

  3. inshamblesx

    Bridges is mad bc Rivers is right. LaMelo has no chance to progress when hes surrounded by dudes who are focused on extracurricular BS rather than actual basketball

  4. I agree with him somewhat but I was hoping someone like pj or Bryce said it lol

  5. realudonishaslem

    Miles Bridges now super loyal to Hornets, knowing he wouldn’t have a job if it weren’t for them lol

  6. Top-Consequence-911

    Eh. Rivers is kind of annoying in general, but he is very qualified to discuss team culture. He’s been on a bunch of teams and is known as a good locker room guy.

    If he were talking about how to have a “killer mentality” in the finals, that would be pretty stupid.

    Oh, and fuck Miles Bridges.

  7. IKIR115

    People are jelly of Austin Rivers because he has swagger.

    Source: Austin Rivers

  8. stone____

    It should be illegal for miles bridges to criticize anyone for anything for a minimum of 10 years

  9. rahbee33

    Seems weird for him in particular to get upset about that comment when he missed all of last year.

    “People that talk the most shit don’t play at all.” My dude, look around.

  10. GhostOfJiriWelsch

    I don’t say this about pretty much anybody in the league but I’ll enjoy watching Bridges fail.

    All the talent in the world and he’s still a fucking loser.

  11. Acrobatic_Switches

    You know. I think the woman abuser ought to keep his fucking mouth shut while he has a career.

  12. sleepyfox1312

    this is the LAST dude that should open his stupid mouth wtf

    anyway reminder to boo miles bridges at every game

  13. agentdoubleohio

    I read it to fast and thought it was mikal bridges, and I’m just sitting here like what kind of beef would mikal have in this situation.

  14. Pleasant-Fault6825

    I always confuse miles bridges for Mikal bridges. Always.

    I came to this thread thinking…why would dude from Brooklyn care about Austin rivers comments….interesting beef…then I read the comments and like shit….I did it again.

  15. Talentagentfriend

    All anyone is saying is that you shouldn’t be in the nba, which is valid. We have enough shitty people in this country with more money than they deserve.

  16. AlexBucks93

    So he is criticizing someone talking when he is the one that should not speak.

  17. newledditor01010

    Hey! Thats the guy that beat the fucking shit out of his spouse!

  18. everyoneneedsaherro

    Thought this said Austin Reaves at first and I was very confused

  19. BetweenTheBuzzAndMe

    This entire franchise needs to stay off social media till they make the playoffs

    This tweet would’ve been mildly acceptable from literally any other Hornet but Miles or James Bouknight

  20. Le8ronJames

    Why does Bridges even feel concerned? Perhaps the truth hurts more than punches.

  21. kingofthenorthwpg

    Bridges is like one of the prime examples of what Rivers is talking about.

  22. liger51

    Feel like Miles Bridges is not the guy who should be taking up this fight lol

  23. batmans420

    No way is Miles Bridges scolding someone lmao

  24. summernightsmood

    So we’re giving Miles Bridges attention?

  25. Yellowperil123

    Sorry, this is the guy that beat the shit out of his girlfriend in front of their kid right?


    Fucker should not be in the league let alone be mouthing off.

  26. alldaylurkerforever

    shut your domestic abuser ass up.

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