@Miami Heat

Translation: We’re THIS close (I hope)

Let’s hope Humpty Dumpty aka Egghead (Cronin) has reached Stage 5 in grieving: Acceptance



  1. Its_Hella_G

    Based on the Windy interview, he sure sounds defeated after months of carrying all that water for Cronin and PDX, or maybe that’s just his normal voice/tone. Here’s to hoping Pat snagged his whale, and that it didn’t cost him more than a few pieces.

  2. Im so fucking nervous i just want it to end. Itll be the most excited ive been going into a season since 2013

  3. iliveonramen

    I always felt the “we’ll take it to the trade deadline or until Dame retires if need be!” was ridiculous.

    They want to move on just as bad as Dame does

  4. Hopefully this whole saga will end this week or next week which is the week before training camp.

  5. TheEpicEddy

    A climax of this saga is coming soon, what the climax shall be is to be determined.

  6. Phenom_Mv3

    There’s 100% resentment from Portland camp towards Miami. The way this thing has played out so far is completely unprofessional on their part, caught up in their fucking feelings. We didn’t do anything ya man just wants us, stay mad

  7. I trust windy but Barry also just replied in agreement to a highkin tweet saying that pretty much nothing has changed between the heat and blazers since July 1st. Don’t really know what to believe anymore

  8. heatrealist

    Sit on their hands all summer. Try to cram it all in during the last two weeks.

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