@Philadelphia 76ers

WWE has filed a trademark for “Out The Mud”

WWE has filed a trademark for “Out The Mud”

by fakeplasticsnow


  1. fakeplasticsnow

    Stealing BBall Paul’s motto is basically declaring an act of war on the city of Philadelphia. Bold move to do this with Wrestlemania here next year, you should never underestimate what insane Philadelphia sports fans will do.

  2. jagoomba

    What is this bullshit? Who watches WWE and can provide insight? Does a pro wrestler currently use this slogan, too?

  3. Different-Ad9986


  4. Will_Explode8

    Lawyer up BBall Paul he’s been using that slogan for years and he’s got a literal business with that phrase as a core tenant of it

  5. Rhino-Ham

    Pretend fighting for little boys who are too stupid to know it’s fake. Fuck off WWE.

  6. TJMcConnellFanClub

    Fed actually bad for this one

  7. jacobtfromtwilight

    Sorry, WWE, but Bball Paul has been selling sweatshirts that feature that catch phrase. If he wanted to I guess he could challenge it, but thats a lotta dough

    Also although I like Triple H as an entertainer, the WWE is kind of an unseemly company, it would not shock me at all that somehow through Joel using the suck it celebration that someone at the WWE heard “Out The Mud” and planned on stealing it

  8. iamthesquidinator

    We’re chillin he got out tha mud

  9. fireman2004

    Bball Paul should file for it also. He’s used it in interstate commerce before them and would have an easy claim I think.

    You can file for whatever trademarks you want hutnuntilnyou actually use them in commerce they can be challenged or ignored. He’s sold hoodies online which is easy to prove.

  10. justindivirgilio

    My heart broke for Bball when I saw this on twitter this morning

  11. HoagieTwoFace

    Tony Khan call up BBall Paul to lay the smackdown on some Jabronis

  12. MotivationalMike

    I wonder if there’s a chance Paul Reed is at Mania. He is a crowd favorite that the team may not feel anxious if they see him running the ropes or something simple.

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