@Miami Heat

When you believe some dude on Twitter saying trade will be done in the next 24 hours and it’s been 14 hours 37 minutes and 38 seconds since then

When you believe some dude on Twitter saying trade will be done in the next 24 hours and it’s been 14 hours 37 minutes and 38 seconds since then

by TrashAssRedditAdmins


  1. sharpshooter0600

    shouldn’t this pic be of excitement…

  2. Random_Thinker007

    Lol after today I’m done believing anything until it actually happens

  3. Y’all just setting yourselves up for disappointment

  4. jperez09r

    I usually check maybe once or twice a day. Today it’s been every hour😂

  5. rgarc065


  6. Thegame4223

    This sub every single time. Drop the trade machines, photoshops, “What if” lineups, attempting to decipher subliminal Instagram post.

  7. Egg2124_yt

    Not even a heat fan but this whole situation is nerve racking lmaooo

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