@Houston Rockets

People really mad about Hakeem charging 50k for a private work out

50k is nothing to NBA players

by NoYogurtcloset5166


  1. It’s market price dictated by bid/ask or pure ask/accept 😆 so it shouldn’t be difficult to comprehend.

  2. vox-anarch

    $50,000 a session is a drop in the bucket when you make multi millions per year. Arenas, is garbage. Probably bummed that no one will drop that amount to train with his sorry ass.

  3. RandomDoctor

    It’s a service he provides. He’s not marketing it or doing it full time. People have asked to learn and he have them pay so that they are serious and he gets some side money in retirement.

    He wants to get paid to work. There’s no issue.

  4. AdmirableRise3758

    Almost like hes one of (if not) the greatest center of all time or something lmao

  5. htownballa1

    People are not mad, two idiots were mad on a podcast.

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