@Portland Trail Blazers

This Could RUIN The NBA

My thoughts on the Damian Willard situation, and how it could effect the NBA.


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The game of Basketball has been my passion since I was 5 years old. I grew up as a kid watching my dad’s recorded VHS tapes of playoff games through the 70s and 80s, and collected all the Basketball cards. Something about the game and what it represents just hooked me from a very young age.
My love for the game only continues to grow as time goes on. I love studying and analyzing the game, with an unbiased perspective. Feel free to subscribe, follow me on social media, and celebrate this amazing game and it’s rich history with me!
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Intro Music: Turn On – RW Smith​​​​​​​​​​


#nba #basketball #damianlillard


  1. People keep saying the Blazers should get the best package for Dame but in all honesty, it doesn't matter what they get. They failed to build a competent team around arguably their best player ever, so even if they got someone of equal value or even better than Dame I can imagine them just wasting that player's career too until they decide to leave.
    Also I never liked the idea of the supermax. A team gets to pay a player more and waste more of their cap space, which in turn makes their ability to build around that player worse than it was before? I never understood how that was supposed to help the team, sure you can entice someone to stay but you're probably not gonna win unless you already were lucky enough to have another supermax level player on the team, if that.

  2. So the league gives them chances to get supermax contracts but this also makes them harder to trade? Wow seems like a lose lose for the franchise so obviously if you want a supermax you have to play out the entire supermax with that team since no team would trade for you especially if you're on the decline making that kind of money.

  3. I'm a huge lifelong Blazers fan and Dame fan. The problem here is that Dame not only deserves to be on a winning team, but also that the Blazers management did him dirty by keeping our #3 pick instead of trading it for pieces to build a winner around Dame. That's what set him towards wanting out. The GM said he was trying to build around Dame, but also made no moves at all to back that up. Dame warned that his timeline didn't match up with a new youth movement in Portland and his desire to win while he's still in his prime. So it's super understandable where Dame is coming from and I don't blame him for his frustration, BUT, I don't think it's at all acceptable for him to basically just say he won't play anywhere he gets traded beside Miami in order to gain leverage. He signed his leverage away for hundreds of millions of dollars in his Supermax deal. In my opinion, he should not get to do this once he's signed that huge contract, UNLESS he forfeits that contract altogether. If he doesn't want to play for a team other than Miami, he shouldn't get payed. If that's how he wants to gain leverage, it needs to come at a cost. I don't think he'd be doing this if he were risking that much money, and that would help keep the balance of power. Personally, I'm sick of this situation, and I kinda just want him gone even if he is my favorite player, but while it'd be best for him and for Portland to move on, it's the worst possible decision for the NBA if he gets what he wants. So basically, it sucks a big old bag of d**ks

  4. Blazers arent trying to win in the next 2 years. I'd be willing to wait that long to get the deal i want done. If he refuses to play or even better shows up and dogs it, youre guaranteed top draft picks on top of what you get when a trade does happen. "The Updated Process"

  5. This is the dumbest shit! Lillard just said the quiet part out loud. This shit happens every yr.😂

  6. Would you consider his situation different because of the persona he’s built around him of being loyal and being THE GUY for Portland but seemingly never getting the help he needed aside from CJ McCollum and LA?

  7. Neither Portland or dame deserve to get their wishes met
    On a business standpoint dame should be traded to any team the blazers want to trade him to no matter how many years he stayed loyal
    But on Portland’s side, dude you practically lied to his face and told him you were going to try to build a contender all you got was a dude who was never a all star tbh not even a third on a Championship team you got him another player who is arguably not even a third option on a championship team your star player had their best season of their career individually it don’t even look like you are trying to get him help and in fact you were planning to rebuild with him which is the stupidest shit ever
    So overall I think they are both in the wrong

  8. Dame isn't forcing a trade, he's requesting it. He has stated he would play got Portland if he stays so it's misleading to lump him in with James Harden and Ben Simmons.

    Also you are missing out the context where Portland said they would build a contender around Dame (which made him sign the super max)… and then didn't.

  9. as a heat fan, iven regardless of all its ramifications, this whole thing is just exhausting. i love my team, and i always will, having such a huge shake up to the roster(and especially to its future young players) hang over your head is an incredible pain in the ass.

  10. The NBA is already ruined. Got ruined by "The Malice at the Palace", LeBum's super teams, and Curry turning every game into a 3-point contest which every other team then took up. Been ruined for 20 years.

  11. I feel bad for Dame I think he’s better than Harden and has never had the same amount help.

    After years of loyalty Portland drafts a replacement for him and he’s expected to just be complacent about being on a rebuilding team

    It’s a hard league and even if you’re a top ten player there is no guarantee you will ever see a final.

  12. Dame isnt fully to be blamed. Yes this move from him is scummy af but Portland has been shit at getting him help then now they draft Scott? He fully intended to stay imo, until they drafted his "replacement"

  13. The society is built upon trust and contracts. He is an adult who sighed the contract, so he must do what he promised to do, otherwise, his own words mean shit, and no one can trust such a person, even the team he planned to join.

  14. There needs to be a no-trade clause on a super max. Meaning, the player knows he is committing to x-years with guaranteed money and the team has guaranteed play.

    That will make both teams think more deeply about the deal. “Do I want the super max, but then be unequivocally committed to staying out for x-years?”

  15. Aye to sign a supermax and immediately leave to another team is wild, just leave as a free agent or don’t sign or make longer deals. Can’t have ya cake and eat it too

  16. I disagree, I believe lillard deserves to choose. The reason he signed the contract with Portland was because they told him they were building a potential championship team which they clearly aren't, they are rebuilding (you forgot to mention this in the video). Lillard also said he will always be a professional for the team he plays for, basically saying that he will not arrive in a fat suit James harden style. However, this doesn't stop him from wanting to play for miami heat, and if the players and organisation can deal with a player hating on them even though he plays his games professionally then that's ok. As we all know organisations care more about their image than the players unfortunately so they won't keep lillard

  17. This is as stupid as the "world champions" debate. If you want to be traded right away, you don't sign that max contract. Simple as that.

  18. It's tough because while I think you should fulfill your contract, ownership would get rid of him as soon as they wanted to move on regardless of his contract so shouldn't players use there leverage to do the same if they want to move on from there situation

  19. I want the owners win the next cba battle. Boohoo a multi millionaire star player of a team is not happy who gives a crap.

  20. I hate the nba now if that’s any indication of my opinion. I hate the players and their attitudes. I hate the rules. I hate the lack of fundamental skills. I hate the officials. I hate this was all planned out too boot.

  21. Hot take: I think NBA players should have to stay with the team that drafted them for their whole careers, and should never make above about $100k per season.

  22. Carmelo’s situation is different because HE wanted the team to get something for him. His contract was ending and he could’ve went to the Knicks without the team losing picks and young players. In interviews he has spoken about this. He told them he was leaving in free agency so they should trade him for assists. In hindsight he shouldve just left in free agency, as the Knicks would’ve had a lot of depth. In a way I feel it was a guilty conscience move but he did love the Nuggets franchise he just wanted to play in his hometown at MSG.

  23. Bench him for the duration of his contract his stats and skills can diminish while he pouts like a child. Waste the money and make an example out of him but I’m dumb so

  24. He's going to look bad coming short with Miami for a couple years before fading away and instead of remembering his impressive career people are going to remember this shit.

  25. lillard is one of your favorite players of all time but you're a big steph hater lol, steph is basically lillard but make it 10x more

  26. I think the only reason the fans support Dame is because he's been with the team for so long while also requesting help year after year.

  27. If I were Portland's GM, I would want to trade Lillard for picks/young players. It makes it harder to trade him since he only wants to play for Miami. Maybe a contender could change his mind? But a team on the bubble will probably pass on him.

  28. HELL NO. He "willingly" chose to re-sign a "max" contract with the Blazers rather than exploring "free agency" and getting to choose where you want to play.

    The Blazers FO don't NEED to cater to Lillard's wishes & find the BEST deal possible a la Brooklyn Nets for the KD trade saga 🏀💯

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