@Miami Heat

Two ‘really high ranking’ team executives believes the Toronto Raptors are the ‘frontrunners’ for Damian Lillard, per @MarcJSpears

Two ‘really high ranking’ team executives believes the Toronto Raptors are the ‘frontrunners’ for Damian Lillard, per @MarcJSpears

by SnooPeripherals4884


  1. SighHereIamAgain

    Tired at this point man. If they get him sure whatever we ride

  2. This feels like the beginning of the end boys… prepare to run it back 😔

  3. Trendelthegreat

    Front runners in the slowest race to mediocrity ever.

  4. BlackMasterDarkness

    Dame said he doesn’t want to play anywhere other than Miami and would request a trade again if he were traded anywhere else. We can relax

  5. Darth-Chunky

    Seems like a bunch of fake smoke tbh. If they had a deal in place why do we keep hearing Toronto is interested or front runner. Portland would have taken the deal already


    Worst case scenario, we get another trade request from him over again and deja vu in 2024.

    Best case scenario, more nothingness

  7. prince___dakkar

    They should be the front runner because they have Barnes.

    I don’t think there’s any way they trade him but I hope they do just to be done with this nonsense.

  8. CurryMustard

    This is a ‘really high ranking’ leverage play by cronin, lets see how it plays out

    Whats the source? Absolutely no link, nothing from marc spears when i google, its not even nba central, its a copycat account (thedunkcentral?), stop buying bullshit. Even nba central takes shit out of context and twists it, gotta find the source if it was real

  9. I still think this is a last minute negotiating tactic. Just don’t see anyway the Raps trade Scottie and to me that’s what it would take for their package to be better than Miami’s.

  10. It’s spover. He’s a raptor. Failure of an off-season.

  11. Verumsemper

    At 23 years old Dame avg 20.7 points a game at the same age Herro is avg 20.1!! I am completely happy running it back with Herro and letting him continue to develop!!

  12. There’s nothing you can do when Cronin is being a total asshole, this is what people are not understanding, he’s avoided Miami for months.

  13. Salman1969

    Bla bla bla. Toronto will be forced to trade him to the Heat for a cup of coffee and some Churros.

  14. TrashAssRedditAdmins

    Damn, I kinda don’t care about this story anymore

  15. I think we’re the only team who constantly has players saying he’s going to Miami and then it fails. There has to be record number somewhere.

  16. Background_Action_92

    Oh God, oh well, you tried Dame and for that I will always ride wit you. Fuck Joe Cronin and Toronto. When we play Portland, lets embarrass them

  17. OrganisMmMm

    If they were “front runners”, the deal would’ve been done if it involved OG or Barnes. Sounds like smokescreen to get the Heat to offer up everything. It’s gonna come down to whether Pat Riley wants to gut the roster for an aging star or…. run it back /pukes

  18. Salman1969

    This is the same sadness I remember on this thread when Boston signed Gordon Hayward over the Heat. OMG Pat Riley had lost it! He can’t make any moves Lol.


  19. USCTrojans780

    Since Portland wants to “flirt” with other teams to get Miami to up its offer, why can’t Miami play that game too?

    Harden to LAC fell apart, Donovan Mitchell won’t re-sign in Cleveland long-term, PG13 was reportedly being discussed with the Knicks. Lavine is at odds with the Bulls. Derozan may not be in the cards long term for Chicago. Utah isn’t going anywhere with Lauri Markkanen and could cash in on a good asset.

    Carnival Barker Cronin thinks it’s Dame or bust for us. He ultimately lied to the guy and gave him an extension that most teams will not stomach in a few years from now.

    Not saying Miami should be in the mix for every major name on the market, but the point is to show Portland that Miami isn’t going to say “have everything but Bam and Jimmy” because Cronin fucked up his own situation and needs “a bailout.”

  20. Bruh at this point I’m starting to accept if for some reason we don’t land him by training camp. But I strongly believe it will happen this week. It has too

  21. soonandsoforth1

    Couldnt care less to be honest. We still have assets and you never know what happens in this league.

  22. Phenom_Mv3

    I feel sorry for Dame man fuck should’ve just left in free agency – clowns in power

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