@National Basketball Association

[Jackson] The mystery remains why Blazers refuse to engage the Heat or even ask them for their best offer. Asked couple people who spoke to Portland and their belief is Blazers don’t like much of anything Miami has.

Tweet thread:

Tweet 1:

> **Barry Jackson:** The mystery remains why Blazers refuse to engage the Heat or even ask them for their best offer. Why are they so opposed to sending Lillard the 1 place he wants to be? Do they already know they hate every possible Heat asset? Is it pettiness? Bizarre

Tweet 2:

> **Follower:** Barry what do league sources say when you ask them that very question lol?

Tweet 3:

> **Barry Jackson:** Asked couple people who spoke to Portland and their belief is Blazers don’t like much of anything Miami has

by UnbiasedNBAFan_


  1. kiwiwikikiwiwikikiwi

    Why doesn’t Portland GM just take a bad deal instead of waiting for a better deal? Is he stupid?

  2. slamdunk23

    So its not a a mystery lol

    Portland doesn’t need Miami’s main piece in Herro and doesn’t look like any other team is offering more than aa pick for herro in a multi team deal

  3. Terrible_Platypus_72

    It’s not a mystery as to why Portland doesn’t want to trade Lillard for Herro and some meh picks lol

  4. Rakatok

    Why do all the Miami reporters covering this saga sound almost insulted Trailblazers won’t just give Dame away

  5. Blaze2444

    Wow sounds like you solved the mystery

  6. thy_armageddon

    I’m sorry for all involved but I do hope this trade is dumb as hell.

  7. EarthWarping

    If that fact they haven’t even offered JJJ/Jovic, it’s hubris.

  8. [Jackson] The mystery remains of what 2 plus 2 is. Asked couple people who spoke to mathematicians and they said it’s 4, but it’s still anyone’s guess.

  9. peachesgp

    “It’s a mystery, but also they don’t like anything Miami has. Truly, this shall remain forever unsolved”

  10. CazOnReddit

    Miami has Heat Culture

    Portland has “Fuck You” Culture

  11. acoker78

    Pettiness? Can’t it just be they simply want different things than what Miami has? People are acting like Portland has to like what Miami has simply because Dame wants to go there? Like, is it ridiculous that the parts just don’t fit for what Portland wants?…

    There is such a big gap between Miami’s top two players (obviously not on the table) and the rest of their roster/assets, I would bet almost any other team in the league wouldn’t love that offer if they had to trade their best player for it. But no, just because both Miami and Dame want each other, then it must happen for the betterment of mankind, or, doing right by Dame or something along those lines. Also, chances are he still ends up there because it’s true that players get what they want

  12. Pocket_Beans

    “why? cause fuck em! that’s why”

  13. ilovethisforyou

    Didn’t he just tweet this like…24 hours ago? Go watch some Netflix and have a beer my guy

  14. PomfAndCircvmstance

    Herro is the only trade chip Miami has that’s worth anything and his value clearly isn’t that high or he’d have been flipped for something Portland wants already. No shock they don’t wanna dump Dame for nothing.

  15. heyitspeas

    Why, why won’t the Blazers accommodate the Heat?

  16. bbcjay718

    It’s not only that, pat has a reputation of “bullying” in deals he’s been apart of. Cronin is in his second year as GM and he doesn’t want to be bullied in this deal so Portland is probably doing their do diligence to find a good deal outside of mia if they can find one

  17. throwawayjoeyboots

    I get all fans are homers to an extent, but reading the Heat sub is funny. They really can’t comprehend that they aren’t entitled to Dame.

  18. Acte1993

    > Blazers don’t like Heat stuff. Weird, right?

  19. Buttholes4Everyone

    Not really. If Portland engages with the Heat, it gives Lillard every reason in the world to act like a bitch to force a trade. The only way to get fair market value is just to show that you don’t care or just won’t. Miami likely has to organize something big with a third team because there isn’t anything that the Heat have that is worth trading, assuming they are dead set on holding on to Bam.

  20. itchyballssadnuts

    what the fuck does w rizz mean

  21. Sweatytubesock

    Not having an elite trade chip like Markieff Morris is going to bite the Heat in the ass.

  22. BabaBrody

    Barry needs to pony up and offer the Peanuts backdrop.

  23. Intelligent_Apple280

    Find out next time, on DRAGON BALL Z!

  24. jaylson

    Their best offer includes Bam but that’s a non starter for Miami, so Portland isn’t picking up

  25. iabeytorm

    Someone needs to tell Heat fans and/or media that it’s actually not Portlands job to “ask them for their best offer”. Additionally, if Miami is giving them an offer that Portland doesn’t think is enough, which is clearly what’s been happening, then Portland doesn’t need to waste its time negotiating with them.

  26. donterdoo

    Alright guys I’m gonna need 50 versions of the same tweet on my desk by Monday

  27. TranscedentalMedit8n

    Heat fans have been awfully quiet lately 😁.

    Really, this is what every Blazers fan said from the very beginning. I’m sure the team wants to get Dame somewhere that fits him well. He deserved that after all he’s done for us. But their offer is just not very good.

  28. LegoTomSkippy

    I’m not sure people understand that pettiness has actual value.

    Would you rather 2 FRP, 1 meh young player, and filler or 2 FRP, 1 meh young player, filler AND a loud SCREW YOU?

    Blazers fans are facing betrayal, screwing dame gives them a sense of control, they get the last word. In the inimitable words of Calvin, “nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around”.

    That “screw you” is worth AT LEAST a top-25 protected first.

  29. likpoper

    Exactly this. Miami assets are as good as giving for free

  30. BaullahBaullah87

    Breaking News: Blazers dont have to take the Heat’s shitty offer if they are rebuilding anyway. Shocking stuff

  31. super-dad-bod

    Why doesn’t Cronin trade a top 75 player of all time for a Top 75 player in the NBA today? Seems fair.

  32. TroubledMang

    Dame publicizing his demands backfired. He should have done the Miami thing in private. Then again, every disgruntled star requests to get to Miami, but they never do lol.

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