@National Basketball Association

Austin Reaves on free agency: It’s hard to be mad at making $54M. That’s way more money than I ever thought I would make, especially playing basically a kid’s sport for a living.

> I didn’t think that there was any way that the Lakers didn’t match whatever was offered. They pretty much made it pretty clear that they would match whatever. At the end of the day, I wanted to be in LA: I love it out here, love the organization, the fans.

> Obviously, I wish that I could’ve got as much money as possible, but like I said: fit and opportunity, here in LA was really what we wanted and really where we wanted to be.

Interview with Zach Lowe at 4:03 of [The Lowe Post](

by iksnet


  1. Khione_Asteri

    if he’s half of what lakers fans think he is, that probably won’t be the biggest paycheck of his career.

  2. logone22

    r/nba so salty that no team tied up their cap space for literally no other reason than to fuck with the Lakers

  3. _Jetto_

    Still insane he went for 20-30 mil
    Less than what we all thought he would go for

  4. sewsgup

    the player option (which barring injury he’s opting out of) makes it a 3 yr, $40m+ deal.

    compared to the theoretical max he could’ve got, he’s only losing out salary on that 3rd year ($13m-ish vs $38m-ish), provided he gets another contract afterwards.

    but the cap will be higher in 3 years so he might make more in the 1st year of his next contract compared to the 4th year of his theoretical max ($39m-ish).

  5. rhganggang

    Dillon Brooks getting 80m while Reaves gets 50ish is insane

  6. UnflushableStinky2

    People say this is a kids game all the time. You ever see kids play? They suck. Can’t dribble, can’t shoot. It’s just cardio.

    T-ball is a kids game. Baseball is a slightly older kids game. Basketball is pretty unforgiving to the uncoordinated (of which I still am one at my old age).

  7. tkflash20

    This feels like he’s telling this to himself over and over again to convince himself it was a good move and forget he could have earned $30 million more.

  8. Flow_n__tall

    All I can say about that dude is that my girlfriend at the time started really crushing on the guy when they were playing the warriors in the playoffs last year.

  9. YesOrNah

    My man got ran through by euro league players.

    He will become a defensive liability come playoff time and will barely see the floor.

    Thus, greatly overpaid.

  10. BramptonBatallion

    Give it 10 years of earning those salaries, and he’ll find a way to gripe like every other player lol

  11. smalls_1804

    At a certain point the salary cap is gonna get so stupidly high that even taking a steep discount is going to make you so disgustingly, filthy rich that money will just cease to matter for you and your entire extended family for the rest of your life, and we’ll probably see more guys taking this attitude

  12. mamasaidflows

    Other than the Swift talk, great interview. Love this guy.

  13. Misterstaberinde

    “Austin Reeves says LeBron plays a child’s game for a living”

  14. drblocktagon

    has a player ever described their job in this way and improved? i feel like its basically a warning sign of attrition

  15. downgoesbatman

    That’s that pr talk. You know he’s salty not getting 100mm.

  16. He’s a winning player. Even if he backslides a few points a stat, you show me who is making that at 50M

  17. TheMoorNextDoor

    The most real and likeable shit ever said by a budding player that nobody saw coming.

  18. dorkaxe

    what’s a kid’s sport vs adult sport? Sports are sports aren’t they?

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