@Miami Heat

Dame saga in a nutshell

Let it end already 😮‍💨



  1. iankstarr

    I’m so tired of sighing, please lord let it be night

  2. jbenson255

    Positive heat repot comes out Barry comes out with a negative stance rinse repeat

  3. realudonishaslem


  4. RotaryP7

    Whatever happens, happens at this point. Who cares. Go out and live life and stop worrying about where a grown man ends up working.

  5. bullbutler

    I know nothing, but it’s all felt like smoke since this started in June. Really no progress since then from any other teams. The raptors thing seems like a last minute desperation.

    We gotta remember that front office is very green, they don’t really know what they’re doing, and they especially don’t know how to deal with a maneuver of this magnitude. They don’t want to feel embarrassed and they don’t want teams to feel like they can walk over them in the future. All that said I think dame is coming

  6. jdog092

    Even if we get Dame, this is easily the most unpleasant NBA trade saga I’ve ever been invested in.

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