@Miami Heat

How Trailblazers fans been acting

How Trailblazers fans been acting

by TrashAssRedditAdmins


  1. MediocreDVaMain

    The silver lining to this is we don’t have to deal with them moving forward, let them run their victory lap and enjoy their rebuild. They’re not gonna win any titles with that shitshow of a management.

    The biggest noise they made in the Dame era is when he asked out and they got meager assets in return.

  2. Background_Action_92

    They need to hang that shit on God bro. When we play them, we need whoop their ass and run up the score on those fuckers. Step on that logo afterwards

  3. tomgreen99200

    They come here and act like they won when they were the ones that lost the hardest.

    They’re losing their superstar and for me its just a normal Wednesday.

  4. Master-Appointment-2

    Poverty franscise. Imagine turning down Herro and a pick for dame. No wonder they have no rings

  5. HonkedOffJohn

    They are celebrating our downfall so much they don’t even realize they got fleeced for Dame.

  6. Grouchy_Bluejay_6474

    Pathetic, Lightweight hilarious. I hope Scoot ends up here in Miami after wasting his time with this bum ass franchise. That’d be a great payback.

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