@Dallas Mavericks

[Nick Angstadt] Kyrie Irving said the process of re-signing was easy for him. “Dallas was always top of my list.” He said he sees Dallas as somewhere he can settle in and his family was all onboard and excited to stay here.

[Nick Angstadt] Kyrie Irving said the process of re-signing was easy for him. “Dallas was always top of my list.” He said he sees Dallas as somewhere he can settle in and his family was all onboard and excited to stay here.



  1. Hurtelknut

    He saw the Dallas Mayor go from Dem to Rep and went “this is my kinda town”

  2. GormlessK

    Players who would never sign in FA deciding Dallas is a great place to be after being traded to the Mavs: a list that will continue growing.

  3. Julian_Caesar

    just behave, kyrie, thats all i ask

  4. desirox

    So far so good with Kai. He’s been great here

  5. certs14

    These are the kind of quotes that were a final nail in the coffin during his Celtics tenure.

  6. CityHick

    Dallas is a great city to have a family in and great NBA weather during the winter. Hoping he enjoys his time here as much as we’ll enjoy having him.

  7. highfalutinman

    Can I just say, Kyrie’s a spectacular interview when he’s in a relaxed mood. His honesty, plus the way he gave so much credit to his current teammates (especially Luka) is refreshing. Say what you will about his past run-ins with the media or his personal beliefs but the guy speaks with genuinity

  8. AtreusIsBack

    God if Kyrie and Luka win multiple titles before he retires, his legacy gets enriched ten fold.

  9. jennyisafriend

    This was such a beautiful press conference. Kai really wants to be here and I am soo happy he’s a Maverick. He even said he wished Dallas would have drafted him!

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