@Miami Heat

[Barry Jackson] The Blazers insisted on Bam. Once Heat concluded they were dead serious, there was no need for further discussions. Teams with stars keep demanding Bam. Heat kinda helpless to stop that from happening so they probably need to eventually focus on talented but distressed asset

[Barry Jackson] The Blazers insisted on Bam. Once Heat concluded they were dead serious, there was no need for further discussions. Teams with stars keep demanding Bam. Heat kinda helpless to stop that from happening so they probably need to eventually focus on talented but distressed asset

by Ranger_3980


  1. Kuni_Nino

    Well yeah, it would be irresponsible of Portland to not ask for Bam. If Portland was that insistent on Bam, then fuck it. No deal was gonna happen. We move on.

  2. VestmentsByGarak

    If this is true I’m going to be enjoying sipping on Riley hater tears.

  3. jbenson255

    That’s because teams don’t view herro himself as a big asset unfortunately. It sucks because the herro’s actually a good player the contract doesn’t help though

  4. Gold_Ad_3590

    I’m legit pissed about the Haynes story how can you treat the best player in your franchise like that…Dame was just unfortunate but at least he got his money I guess

  5. xElJefe

    This clearly wasn’t Pat Riley’s fault. But it raises the question, why is it that every time we try to make a trade it seems that half the league is trying to stick it to us? Not saying he has to leave, but I think the Heat would benefit if he took a step back and was no longer the face of the operation and worked the shadows. It’s clear he has some BAD relationships in this league and that has continually hurt us over the years

  6. TheRatchetTrombone

    Even if you start high, you have to make it realistic. At that point, we knew Cronin was a petty cunt.

  7. Dame was a talented but distressed asset though.

  8. background_action92

    Haha, these childish bastards in Portland never grew the fuck up. Spiteful and petty is what they are and karma is real, they will get theirs while we go deep in the playoffs yet again

  9. DylanL343

    Tyler, Caleb Martin, and 2 picks was better then what they got. Heck even throw JJJ in there. The blazers didn’t get a huge haul

  10. Dametimeinmiami

    Amazing how many teams hate us ..

  11. avinash240

    I literally said this in the first week of this trade demand. If I’m Portland, I’m asking for Bam Adebayo. He’s not going to going to take away offensive touches from the guards they’re trying to develop, he’s a professional and he’s going to shore up their defense and protect that new midget guard they have at PG. He’s also a great fit with Grant.

    I also don’t think it’s unreasonable of an ask since Dame Lillard would still be the best player in the trade. However, Miami couldn’t trade Bam for Dame and be in a win now posture this season, so they’d never do it.

    **Result stalemate**.

    Miami’s FRPs aren’t valuable, no matter what the media guys that the Heat have in their pocket(Zach Lowe, Amin, etc..) say and Tyler Herro isn’t going to fetch a ton on the open market because he makes a lot of money, his fit is limited, and he’s either bad or injured in every post season outside of his first.

    I feel this is the first real report as to why these sides never communicated with each other. I think everything else has been bullshit from either FO or Dame’s people.

  12. wesyad11

    Dudes that are definitive anchors on D and can average 16-17ppg + are more ran than an great scorer

    Bam’s pretty close to untouchable for me. Like he could maybe go 1for1 for a few dudes at most.

  13. MachoCyberBullyUSA

    Again, why the fuck did Cronin not keep that same energy with Milwaukee?

  14. ConcreteNightmare

    Mark your calendars: Tuesday, Feb. 27 @ 10pm on TNT. In Portland. Time for revenge.

  15. PlayBey0nd87

    Damn these articles still coming out? I guess the hurt gotta bleed out…

    **I think the worst thing is the fact the talks wasn’t outright shut down.** The speculation, Twitter watches, analyst dissecting this trade request for months – **when really we never even was sitting at the table.**

  16. IamRaith

    If this is true, and not Heat trying to save face, then I retract my pat slander

  17. OhMyItzBam_Herro305

    20 or 30% of this sub was calling for Rileys job yesterday and were pissed off at him, I was pissed off cuz where Dame went and for what they didn’t have to give up lol. We all could look dumb af tho, if infact Jovic, JJJ pan out and are key contributors to a finals win over Denver or Suns. I’m ngl if that happened, I’d break down so much like a kid and cry. And i don’t cry.

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