@National Basketball Association

[Quinn] “You don’t get to pearl-clutch about the GM not wanting to bring you back when you were so set on a single destination that your agent publicly tried to scare 28 teams away from trading for you. The bridge was burned.”


Quinn continued:

[“I think these situations are just all unique. If Dame asks for his trade in 2021 when Herro’s future looked a bit brighter, he probably gets to Miami.”](

[“We heard one side of the story. Those telling it went scorched earth. Eventually we’ll hear the other side of the story. That side probably trickles in slowly over the next few weeks and months. The truth, as in most things, is somewhere in between.”](

[“I’m sorry, I just think the notion that an NBA team would act out of spite is stupid. Pretending that’s what happened here is downright childish. These are multi-billion dollar organizations. They’re not gonna shoot themselves in the foot because you hurt their feelings.”](

by BigButter7


  1. No-Equipment-20

    “You don’t get to ask for an open marriage and then get mad when I fuck someone else” – Joe Cronin

  2. TheWhisperingDeath


    I would have sympathized with Dame if his agent didn’t try to fuck up any sort of leverage Portland have by saying its Miami Heat or no one.

    And even then, its not like Blazers sent him to some jobber team. They sent him to a team that has Giannis fucking Antetokounmpo and with Dame’s addition, they are amongst Championship favourites.

  3. The_Sign_of_Zeta

    Once you ask for the trade a team isn’t going back. It really is a simple as that.

    I also don’t really get the part where Dame heard that Cronin was asking for max value, he wasn’t going to be traded. GMs should always try to get maximum value. It’d be weird if he didn’t say that.

  4. GlueGuy00

    Blazers doesn’t want to trade him to Miami out of spite but still traded him to a team where he can legitimately compete for a championship (which is what Dame has been clamoring for long)

  5. AccomplishedFront563

    My issue is that they lied to Lillard about building a team around him and then tanked for his replacements. These are the last years of his prime that the Blazers wanted to waste

    Why would you expect him to be nice to you when you already stabbed him in the back

  6. xerxesthagreat

    why does this reporter look like peter griffin

  7. MostStableNBAFan

    I think the bridge was burned when the franchise promised to build a winner, tanked, sat the player, then drafted his replacement.

  8. mMounirM

    lol let’s not pretend like the Blazers FO wanted to keep Dame at all costs. this is what they’ve wanted for a couple years

  9. medical_cat

    I look forward to the day the nba is about basketball again and I don’t have to care about how a trade request hurt someone’s feelings

  10. pascaleon

    His agent ruined everything and gave Dame shit advice, Portland in the end did him right

  11. LegoTomSkippy

    “I just think the notion that an NBA team would act out of spite is stupid…”

    Ummmm. Isn’t James Dolan an owner? Didn’t the Spurs literally send Kawhi to Toronto rather than LA? These might be billion dollar orgs, but they are also billionaire vanity projects.

    This doesn’t mean Portland acted out of spite, but this take is ridiculous.

  12. kellydayscruff


    Paul george did the same exact thing

    James harden did the same exact thing. TWICE.

    ben simmons, etc etc.

    Dame isnt the first guy to do it and he probably wont be the last. GM’s should let it slide because now free agents that see your name as a potential destination are going to ignore you when they remember you tried to strong arm previous franchise players.

  13. OKCDraftPick2028

    They told Lillard they were gonna continue to build a contender team around him and not rebuild.

    They told him they’re gonna trade that pick to get someone that can help them win now.

    These are old star players, that wants to win and not be part of lottery. You can’t blame lillard for wanting out after they drafted his replacement after you promise to build a contending roster.

    What Lillard to tank his value is bad but Blazers FO isn’t innocent in all this on how this turned out. They think they can do the 2 timeline BS.

    And don’t go out here saying its Lillard fault they gave grant that huge contract. Their GM does not know how to access a players value. No one was lining up to give Grant 160 mill. They could offer 130 million and it still the highest offer grant can get.

  14. Carcrusher3

    Haynes thought he was cooking with that article lmao. Dame and his agent do not look better after reading.

  15. DraymondBeanKick

    > “I’m sorry, I just think the notion that an NBA team would act out of spite is stupid. Pretending that’s what happened here is downright childish. These are multi-billion dollar organizations. They’re not gonna shoot themselves in the foot because you hurt their feelings.”

    Spite is the best explanation for why the Blazers traded Dame for a guy that’s unplayable defensively in the playoffs and the 26th pick in the 2029 draft and two pick swaps that won’t be optioned.

  16. leredditmaymays

    Every day I am more and more grateful for PG asking for a trade behind closed doors.

  17. StumblingInTheFuture

    You don’t get to tell an aging star we’ll build a contender around you for 4 straight years, decides not to build a team to compete and then expect the star to be happy.

  18. luckster44

    I’m so tired of players making $50 mil a year complaining

  19. RVAIsTheGreatest

    All about narrative writing at this point after the fact from Dame and his representatives (including within the media) and painting himself as a victim and portraying this story as a rags to riches triumph.

    Sam is so right that the entire narrative has been so slanted from the very beginning and the story has been so slanted in one direction. To the point we saw reporters and hour or two prior to the deal saying Miami was closing in on a deal. Few were clued in, and biases were exposed as we have witnessed countless of times before. Dame and his representation will never be forced to answer for their behavior this summer and he probably will never explain in detail why he took things the direction he did but Cronin gets painted as a bully because he didn’t accept a low ball offer from Miami and didn’t accept Dame trying to worm his way back to Portland after he trashed him and the organization publicly.

    It is definitely pretty gross but we’ve seen it all before. AD another example. His behavior was deplorable but he came away unscathed and the Pels took all the heat yet people claim that fans always side with teams vs players. Star players basically always win. They end up getting their way pretty much every single time.

  20. Paused_Toast

    I don’t understand how someone who was loved by all fans get this much hate for wanting out. The same fans who cried DaMe DeSeRvEs BeTTeR He ShOuLd AsK fOr A tRaDe
    He stayed with that team and gave them plenty of opportunities to build around him, and they didn’t. LA left, got rid of CJ, overpaid for Grant, thinking he’d be a great #2, and he was still there. Why shouldn’t he be able to decide where he wants to work?

  21. TechnicianWeird7593

    The most ironic part of this whole thing was that Dame and his agent saying “Only Miami” is the only reason he isn’t in Miami.

  22. Dame did that after the team promised to build around him and instead built for the future. They forced Dame’s hand intentionally. The criticism from the media dogs backing up the portland organization is sickening.

  23. JarenAnd

    Somebody send this to Miami fans please. Full meltdown over there.

  24. ilovethisforyou

    Downright childish? My god that’s /r/heat’s music

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