@Toronto Raptors

As of now, this is the roster we’re starting our 2023-24 season with. What are you excited about?

There’s a high chance we don’t make anymore trades going into the season and I want to focus on any bright spot this team can provide.

I’m not gonna lie, I’m happy OG is staying. He’s hands down my favourite current Raptor and I want to see him excel. I’m also excited to see if Koloko takes a leap and what Darko brings to the table.

by AHImusic


  1. jonastradamus

    I’m excited to watch all the guys in the top two rows plus flynn and koloko. If I had to pick one, it’s Scottie and Gradey growing their chemistry. Have a feeling they’ll work very well off each other.

    Good energy bro. This is what we need.

  2. jumpthroughit


    • For our 29th year to (finally) kick off.

    • To see which of the young guys can unlock a new level or 3.

    • To see if the 3 contract year guys can have career years like contract year guys very often do.

    • For Darko and a return to ball movement, cutting and a faster pace.

  3. SiakamsWager

    I’m excited about the young guys, especially Scottie, Gradey, Koloko, and Precious. I’m also excited to see how Darko changes things. But I don’t have high hopes at all for this team this season.

  4. OGnotAnunoby

    Although I was against the trade im curious to see how Darko intends to use Jak I could honestly see him averaging 16 to 18 points

  5. Icy-Lime-9760

    I wanna see if Scottie and Koloko are better. Not gonna lie, also hoping Siakam gets moved.

  6. EarthWarping

    Barnes/Koloko/Precious and of course Pascal/OG.

    The rest of the roster doesn’t have much untapped potential. They’re competent players but expecting much is too much.

  7. Excited to watch the development of Scottie, Gradey, Precious, Christian, Markquis. Excited to see a new system under Darko and how it impacts different players, I have a feeling GTJ will be one that benefits. Excited to be an underdog with an opportunity to surprise the naysayers. Excited to see what the roster looks like after the deadline when other GMs have made moves out of desperation and we get to capitalize.

    I don’t have any delusions of a championship, but I think there is plenty to be excited about.

  8. goblinsholiday

    I’m excited that the bar is going to be pretty low.

    I’m excited about having a new coach and new system.

    I’m excited about finding joy and excitement in places you didn’t expect and finding hidden gems that are getting their chance to shine.

    I’m not excited about how it has become NBA tradition for players like Anthony Edwards to hunt down light skinned rookies that over play on defence and put them on a poster to be played on ESPN all day and make end of season highlights.

  9. TJStrawberry

    Our team seems to have a nice mix of older experienced guys and young guys with potential. It can equate to winning basketball and great vibes if handled right. If the bench actually plays I’ll be excited to watch some development. Hopefully OG has a breakthrough, siakam has his MVP year. Gradey dick shows star potential, and Scottie actually becomes the next one up 🙂 We may not have a lot of talent but hopefully it’s a fun team oriented season as opposed to last years selfish type of ball

  10. earlyearlgray

    Thank you for this post 🙏🏼

    I’m excited about (in no particular order):
    1. Enjoying watching the game I love and the team I’ve loved since 1995 take the floor again
    2. Getting together with my group of Raptors friends at bars or someone’s apartment to watch games together
    3. Seeing the progress the young guys have made towards improving their games with another season under their belt and working on their weaknesses in the offseason – especially Scottie, GTJr, Koloko and Precious. Also, is this finally Flynn’s season with FVV gone?
    4. Dick checking into the game for the first time. He’s created such good vibes and goodwill with us fans since he’s arrived in Toronto and I think he’s gonna get a big reception the first time he checks into a game at SBA.
    5. Seeing what new improvements Pascal has made to his game, since he improves something every offseason.
    6. Seeing OG have a bigger role offensively and if it’s something he will excel at
    7. Watching Schroeder play – he’s so crafty and I think he’s gonna dish out some really beautiful dimes and clever drives to the basket.
    8. Hearing the broadcasters call games again
    9. Seeing if this team can do better this year and prove everyone wrong.
    10. Seeing a full season with a proper centre in Poeltl.
    11. And of course – seeing if Darko can unlock something in this team and bring back their joy in playing together.

  11. What this team can do with a capable PG (Shroder), provided he gets playing time.

    For Scottie to live up to his hype.

    Pascal to produce like pre bubble Pascal.

    OG to continue being awesome on both ends

    Excited to see how Dick produces for the team. He looked great at the Rico runs.

  12. BurzyGuerrero

    Excited is a strong word, I’m not really excited about anything this season.

    I’m interested to see how Scottie grows, and to see how the rookie looks, and whether the coach can change the fortune of the team.

    I haven’t been genuinely excited as a Raptor fan since we lost to Philly in the playoffs.

  13. It’s not that bad… just need a reliable SG. If Trent steps up this year and Scottie plays point, it could be a good year.

  14. It was a disappointing offseason, but I’m still excited for:

    • Seeing Darko coach. I genuinely just really like the guy, and I’m excited to see how the players respond.

    • Seeing Scottie grow. It’s a big year for him. If he can get into that borderline all-star tier, it will be really fun to watch.

    • Pascal. Similar to when we had Demar, Pascal is a guy who really improves his game in the offseason. I’m actually really excited to see what he brings to his game this year.

    • Gradey. I think Gradey is a solid prospect, and him having a strong rookie season will really brighten up the outlook around here.

    • Random guy who turns into a really good role player this season. Remember when this happened all the time with this front office? I’m hopeful that somebody like Nowell, Malachi, Dowtin, Koloko, Precious, McDaniels, really pops off this year and takes us by surprise. Aside from Boucher, it really hasn’t happened much lately. But again, if one (or two) of those guys really kick up their game a notch, our season will really look a lot better.

    • On that same note, I’m hoping that Darko figures out how to play the bench in a way where we see some consistency in play there. We will see if it was Nurse’s fault that our development and bench play really suffered in the last couple season, or if it was the fault of the front office (although I predict it was somewhere in between).

    • In the past (pre-championship), Masai’s extreme patience/inaction would often work out to our benefit. We’d get guys like PJ, Ibaka, etc at lower prices in trades, or we’d miss out on trading our franchise Goat for Shumpert, THJ and a pick. Lately, that inaction has kind of lead to some pretty “meh” results. Maybe that changes back this year?

    Essentially the entire roster was in trade rumours this summer. That’s not good. Hopefully Darko can build morale, hopefully guys have really evolved their games, and hopefully we’re in for a really fun season.

    My biggest note to the doomsayers, is just how fast a team can turn around in the NBA. One of the dullest Raptor teams I ever watched was the 2013 Rudy/Demar/Kyle Raptors. That team was a slog to watch. We ended up trading one of our top scorers (Rudy) for role players (in a move that most considered to have been won by the Kings, at least in terms of talent) and that team became one of the most fun regular season Raptors teams we’d ever had up to that point.

    Maybe that will happen this year with Darko, with a trade, or just naturally with development.

  15. Interesting-Cup6332

    I’m excited to get going so the endless stream of filler posts can cease. Been a diehard since ‘03 and this roster isn’t anything close to the Dark Side of the Jamario Moon Era. We have a lot of solid pieces, every one of these dudes competes, just no superstar. In an East with multiple superstars on teams I expect us to be a 6-9 seed. So long as you check expectations and accept what we are, it shouldn’t be a terrible season.
    – Scottie’s development
    – watching Dick go off
    – Poeltl and Schroeder chemistry
    – Darko’s influence on the “vibes”

  16. Firm_Squish1

    Watching basketball because I’m a basketball fan first and a raptors fan second.

  17. OG_anunoby3

    Gradey Dick I think will be a core piece of the team by mid season.

  18. excited for prime siakam, scottie leap and dennis at PG

  19. looking forward to OG/GTJ/SB showing significant progress and given bigger roles. Precious is a dark horse whose play seems to be tied to confidence/good vibes, he might surprise everybody.

  20. Not much I’m specifically excited for. I guess seeing how Darko works with this crew and how he and his team can develop the young players. Other than that, nothing at all is hype worthy about this roster.

  21. Eclectic_Canadian

    I’m happy to see that there’s people in this sub that still like this team.

    What I’m excited for. A new offensive and defensive scheme. Seeing what Scottie can do as a PG. Seeing how Pascal evolves his game. Seeing what OG does with more touches. Seeing who Poeltl gains chemistry with.

    The bench has some exciting pieces still. I’m excited to see what Schroder and McDaniels can bring off the bench.

    The thing I’m most looking forward to is Precious having a more consistent role on the team. I think the hype on him was a year too early. Nurse hyped up all the work he did last off-season saying he was the hardest worker. He showed flashes of that hard work throughout the season, but he came in quite raw, so putting those newly refined skills into practice wasn’t a clean process. This year I think he comes in and shows immense progress in his consistency and level of impact.

  22. micromophone

    Watching the younger guys develop and create new chemistry, new coaching system and hopefully a very high draft pick lol

  23. crackhousebob

    I think Raps win the play-in and then get bounced in the first round.

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