@National Basketball Association

[Kevin Garnett] Real shyt… Portland did right by Dame. The basketball Godz gonna repay 10 fold! Good morning y’all 🤝🏾

Kevin Garnett talks about the Dame trade on his twitter. KG in the past has said that not going to Boston earlier was a regret in his career. I guess he thinks this might be the same thing for Dame.


> Real shyt… Portland did right by Dame. The basketball Godz gonna repay 10 fold! Good morning y’all 🤝🏾


Soruce: [KG’s Twitter](

by TheRealPdGaming


  1. Still waiting on the basketball Godz to repay the wolves

  2. mrwhite2323

    If we learned anything is that the NBA is filled with highschool drama students

  3. LawrenceBrolivier

    This is about to become (if it hasn’t already) the prevailing narrative:

    Portland did for Dame what Dame’s *agent* couldn’t do, and people likely should think twice about hiring that guy to represent them, because there isn’t a single thing he pulled that didn’t make everything appreciably, blatantly, thoroughly *worse* for his client.

  4. When we getting repaid for trading you to the Celtics? When is Big Al and Telfair gonna lead us to the promise land.

  5. Hopefully, in the end this will be what we all remember. Excited to watch the Blazers develop and can cheer on the Bucks without bitterness. Balls in Dame’s hands for a championship run.

  6. BlackSocks88

    2 people fucked up here.

    Joe Cronin when he lied to Dame about building a contender. I think he has attoned for this by sending Dame to pair up with Giannis.

    Dame’s agent with the bullshit only Miami request.

  7. ilickedysharks

    As an outsider, I feel like Heat Fans should hate Dames Agent and Blazers fans should be done with Cronin; but it seems like Heat fans are sending all their hate to Cronin and now Blazers fans are defending him 😭

  8. Starlord_who

    I mean hes kinda got a point. They sent him to where there’s a good chance for a ring and that’s what he asked

  9. Orrrrr basketball gods gonna curse this franchise for lying to Dame and sending him off. Just saying lol

  10. Party-Ad-7077

    Surely this means that portland is going to get tons of free agents and interest from players right?

  11. RVAIsTheGreatest

    It’s a silly mentality if you’re able to be objective and look at it rationally, the whole “repaying the favor” of a star player who demands out of your team…it doesn’t really happen. But these players do feel that way. That it’s a respect thing. You should respect that player to give into their demands.

    I do think we’re seeing teams push back on that more recently, but it all goes to show how much players dominate proceedings in this sport.

  12. Did anyone really believe Dame was really Heat or bust and his agent hocuspocus charade? Like he wouldnt be thrilled and give his all for the Bucks where he has a better shot than at the heat?

  13. NoBigDill88

    Just looked at the odds of Lillard joining Milwaukee +3000. Which one of you lucky turds bet that.

  14. referee-superfan

    This is the kind of trolling that I appreciate.

  15. Lol these be the stupidest conversations I’ve ever seen in my life

  16. He a middle aged man at this point and still puts a “z” at the end of wordZ.

  17. theregenerates

    Scoot / Ferno / Jrue / Grant / Ayton with Shaedon, Thybulle and Kris Murray off the bench is straight up a playoff team this year with a high af ceiling.

  18. Jonesalot

    Is there a way to unfollow KG if you aren’t following him?

  19. 2nd-Cash-Future-1st

    Trying to remain as unbiased as possible but it’s pretty hilarious how so many people r/Heat feel so entitled to getting Dame and how “wrong” the blazers were for not trading him to Miami

    Listen, Blazers Front office largely and pretty grossly wasted Dame’s career ✅, current FO and mainly previous FO

    Agreed that the Bucks trade, to this point, it’s entirely fair to view the bucks trade as arguably equal to or worse than a rumored Heat trade (even though none of Reddit actually knows what the Heat offered)

    But for (probably the minority) the Heat fans who are absolutely livid and saying “how” dirty the blazers did Dame is hilarious

    Never before have I heard of anyone feeling so entitled to a player that doesn’t even play for their team (nor ever has).. it’s hilarious

    Acting as if Dame signed a contract as a free agent with the Heat and somehow blazers found a way to negate it out of spite

    I also don’t believe the Heat actually offered Herro + Jovic + JJJ + picks.. which is what a lot of Reddit seems to like to believe is what the Blazers turned down … which I doubt is the case, I assume their initial offer was more like Herro + 2 picks and MAYBE one of Jovic or JJJ… and despite what some want to believe it’s not up to the blazers to keep calling the Heat asking Heat to improve their offer… if they wanted Dame without risk of him being traded to another team (out spite or not) then make a better offer

    Also to say “Blazers did Dame dirty” by not conceding to whatever heat offered is BS

    As I conceded the Bucks trade could at least be arguable equal to or less than the Heats theoretical offer

    But trading Dame to the bucks to play with Giannis+Middleton+Lopez is AT LEAST arguably advantageous as him playing with Jimmy+Bam if not arguably an even better of a BBall situation in Milwaukie … and oh btw Dame has said several times in his career his #1 person he’d chose as best player he’d like to play with was Giannis

    I mean I’d chose Miami over Milwaukee for non-basketball reasons all day.. but no way can anyone say from a basketball / championship contender standpoint that Milwaukie is any worse then Miami

    P.S of course the “entitled” Miami fans I’m talking about I am sure (hopefully) are the vocal minority

    As a blazers fan I’ve even said for the last 3 years Dame deserved to be traded even if he didn’t request it AND as a Dame fan I would have chose Miami or Milwaukee as the places I’d like to see him go to if traded to give him a chance to win (because unfortunately it wasn’t happening in Portland)

    I got nothing against the Heat as they’ve been one of my favorite teams to root for last few years, and I don’t think the Dame trade to Milwaukie was amazing but also don’t feel bad for Miami at all as they weren’t entitled to get Dame handed to them just because Dame asked for it to be so

    Rant over

    Edit: “previous” FO… not “precious” FO LOL

  20. sweet_tea_pdx

    Did right by Clyde, did right by dame, … silver better give us a good fucking pick

  21. pushthekay

    By not sending him where he wanted to go for a similar package? Logic.

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