@Milwaukee Bucks

Dame time in the house

Dame time in the house

by Athalos124


  1. grudgepacker

    I wonder if Dame knew we’d have such a huge fan reception for him…and if he didn’t, now he know exactly how much we support the team!

  2. Cantguard-mike

    You the guy who went private the second he showed?? 😭😭😭😭

  3. ciroc__obama

    You guys really showed out for him! That’s amazing to see, congrats and enjoy the ride

  4. GlizzyGone21

    Stream was ASS. Hope Bucks Media has a good All Access

  5. Tinytimmytimtim

    Feel for the people who waited for so long just for it to be a relatively short affair, but he’s literally carrying his toddlers and his son is walking infront of him covering his ears from the noise. Probably traveled all day with them and Is having mixed emotions leaving Portland.

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