@Miami Heat

miami has been in contact with portland regarding holiday.

i’m surprised riley still wants to deal with cronin, after the stunt he just pulled up with lillard.

by GanacheInfinite


  1. >i’m surprised riley still wants to deal with cronin, after the stunt he just pulled up with lillard.

    I mean Riley probably wasn’t too bothered–Pat offered what he wanted to offer and Cronin didn’t like the offer. If Pat really wanted Dame he would have offered more. I think fans take things too personal when it’s a business transaction.

  2. I’d rather we not. Jrue is still a great player, but he’s not going to get us much closer to a championship than we already are. He’s pretty old at this point, and I think Cronin is trying to get a shit ton for him to make up for the lackluster hall they got for Dame. We’d end up offering Lowry, a first round pick, and a second, and they’d still be like, “We’re looking for miami to empty all of their assets for Jrue.” We do need a PG, but I dont think Holiday is that PG

  3. background_action92

    Holiday doesn’t move the needle, especially after going through the biggest blue balls with Dame. Offer Lowry if anything

  4. You can’t believe any of these BS reports. Even if these guys have any legit info. That info can change within minutes. I’ll just be glad when the season starts, and all these rumors go away.

  5. iCOULDbewr0ng

    Jrue Holiday would be cool but the thought of giving Cronin/Blazers any picks or any assets makes me sick to my stomach

    If it’s Lowry plus maybe a swap then sure, but I rather just keep our team as is.

  6. RansomGoddard

    I have not seen any of our local guys or even a reputable national guy report that we’ve been in contact about Jrue.

    And even if we were, I don’t think we can give up the kind of assets he’s going to end up going for if there’s going to be a real bidding war.

  7. Backpack456

    Miami contacts Portland for holiday.

    Portland asks for butler or bam in return. Plus 5 1st round picks.

  8. I can’t think of 2 teams less likely to make a deal

  9. That sorry clown Cronin is gonna want Jimmy or Bam if this is even remotely true. So he won’t end up here anyway. I hope Cronin gets shit canned once they see how shitty of a deal he got in the Lillard trade.

  10. Sexyturtletime

    I bet Cronin says the price for Holiday is the Herro and 2 picks package they offered for Lillard

  11. OhMyItzBam_Herro305

    I’m calling for Rileys job if we offer Herro, and picks. We know there’s no shot of this happening. Pls go to Clippers or 76ers Jrue 2 shitty teams.

  12. saviorlito

    At this point anything we give up for Jrue is too much.

  13. BRFCarter

    It’ll be the same story again Heat fans. Your team will offer peanuts then be shocked when a trade doesn’t get pulled off

  14. btccoachcody

    “Hey Cronin, we’re willing to send you Bam for Jrue! Just give us a few weeks as we get everything set”

    “Hey Pat! Just checking in on you. It’s been about 6 weeks now.”

    “Go fuck yourself, Cronin.”

  15. Rebound-Bosh

    Business is business. Cronin may not understand that, but Pat certainly does

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