@National Basketball Association

After Shaq criticizes the Hack-a-Shaq strategy, Greg Popovich uses Hack-a-Shaq 5 seconds into the 08-09 season

After Shaq criticizes the Hack-a-Shaq strategy, Greg Popovich uses Hack-a-Shaq 5 seconds into the 08-09 season

by Ok_Clue3059


  1. RanOutOfCharact

    One of my favorite Coach Pop moments. What a guy

  2. ShowerMartini

    Imagine how BABY BITCH SOFT a player would be considered today if they criticized getting fouled like Shaq used to.

  3. redleo500

    Can we talk about how 55 wins was only good for 6th in the West in 08? Now 55 wins has you in the mix for the number one overall seed

  4. iHateOPsoMuch

    That moment was hilarious.

    I also remember when Mark Madison was on Minnesota and he was trying to do the Hack-a-Shaq while running down the court with Shaq, after Shaq inbounded the ball. He was literally hanging on him screaming to the official that he was fouling Shaq. Shaq was also screaming that he was being fouled. They were the o ly two in the backcourt so the officials refused to call it.

  5. referee-superfan

    Pop is such a goddamn troll. It’s honestly amazing.

  6. branstarktreewizard

    Always establish dominance early, like in prison

  7. ActualAdvice

    This is one of the few times you actually see Pop really laugh.

    I think it’s a window into the person that isn’t often seen outside his close relationships.

  8. nhthelegend

    Pops reaction is great but so is Shaq’s lmao

  9. ConfidentCobbler5100

    Steve Nash’s hair Jesus Christ man you’re a pro athlete in your 30s not a little rascal

  10. Can’t believe they broke up this announcing trio. Mark Jackson and JVG can be annoying at times but it’s annoying in a classic way

  11. locoghoul

    To this day Shaq still criticizes the strat and calls it lame. Well Shaq, is also lame that a 30 mill per season PRO athlete shoots 55% FT

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