@Chicago Bulls

[Chicago Bulls] Lonzo on how he’s feeling: “Pretty good. About halfway through the rehab process. Got a long ways ahead of me, but each week I’ve been progressing, I’m just trying to stay positive and take it day by day. “I definitely plan on playing again. I’m only 25…

[Chicago Bulls] Lonzo on how he’s feeling: “Pretty good. About halfway through the rehab process. Got a long ways ahead of me, but each week I’ve been progressing, I’m just trying to stay positive and take it day by day. “I definitely plan on playing again. I’m only 25…

by Guilty_Bicycle_5711


  1. alpaca-miles

    How long has he been rehabbing since his last surgery? Glad it seems like it is finally working though.

  2. IDoubtedYoan

    He’s only 25 but he’s missed 139 consecutive games due to whatever this knee injury actually was and and he’s missed 250 total games in the 6 seasons he’s been playing.

    So when you’re a 6 year vet and you’ve missed more than 50% of the games you’ve been eligible to play in, forgive me for not being optimistic about your coming back.

    It’s to the point where honestly, I just don’t care. If he comes back next season and plays great then he’ll just walk for the highest bidder. The Bulls got fucked on this deal, and there’s no way around it.

  3. SolidSilver9686

    Always funny how everyone seemingly knows this dude’s career is finished. It very well may be, but people acting like they know what they’re talking about are full of shit. Every comment section is filled with people trying to be the first to say “ITS OVER LONZO”.

    The fan base and organization made asses of themselves when D Rose was going through his injuries. It would be nice if we could just show some support for our guy.

  4. Anyone remember Adrian Peterson injury like 10yrs or so ago. Point is, there are people who can come back even stronger after major injuries that have killed careers. I just hope if he comes back and performs well he has some loyalty to bulls.

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