@National Basketball Association

Suns center Jusuf Nurkic on what he doesn’t understand about America: “I still don’t understand why everybody has so many guns…”

Suns center Jusuf Nurkic on what he doesn’t understand about America: “I still don’t understand why everybody has so many guns…”

by MyMindWasAFortress


  1. theconfuserx3

    because when the government with f-15s, tanks, predator drones, and nukes goes off the rails I’ll take america back with my AR-15

  2. Purples_A_Fruit

    How else will players know I’m serious when I make death threats against them?

  3. DoctorButtFucker

    Self defense from all the other Americans with guns.

  4. Hellcat1970

    Woah, dude wanting better/positive things and less guns. Damn socialist. /s

  5. BodegaDaddy

    he grew up in a country that was/is war ridden, of course he doesn’t like guns

  6. lets_talk_basketball

    We gotta let Nurk know that Easy Money Sniper is just a nickname and KD isn’t really out here shooting shit.

  7. garybusey42069

    A lot of us Americans don’t understand also, Nurk. It hurts the brain.

  8. This makes sense for someone coming from the Balkans where guns are almost entirely associated with the mafia or war. Like there is not reason for someone to have guns at home unless they are in organized crime or in some paramilitary group, never mind out in public flaunting them.

  9. Homie is from a country that fought a civil war and I don’t blame him for having a healthy distrust of guns.

  10. Emericajosh

    I just keep liking him more, seems like an all around good dude.

  11. TrafficOn405

    He’s from the Balkans, he understands guns and warfare, AND he thinks we’re a gun obsessed country. He’s not wrong. We’re a nation of 330M people and over 400M guns. Guns R Us.

  12. Forbidden_Donut503

    Take care of Nurk, Phoenix. He’s actually a really good person and quite a fun character. He’ll absolutely wow you with some of his outfits when he’s in street clothes, loves his cats, and gives amazingly honest answers when talking to the media.

    Yes, you are going to be very frustrated with his rate of missing at the rim, and yes, he will become disinterest at times and sometimes commit stupid fouls, but in general he is a net positive when on the floor.

    He sets very very good screens, takes up a shit ton of space when rebounding, and does a ton of little things on defense that don’t show up on the stat sheet.

  13. georgezipppppp6

    Why does the Reddit app not let me hear him actually say the gun part

  14. And this is a guy coming from the Balkans’ most conflict prone country, and he is a police officers son himself.

  15. DrunkPirateHunter

    Some random gun facts:

    US Adult Population is about 260M (of 330M total population)

    32% of Adults in the US own a gun so roughly 83M

    The US has 393M guns(About 60M more guns than total population)

    That means that 176M Americans own no guns and the remaining 83M average roughly 5 Guns per person.

    Those 83M also account for 46%(almost half) of all civilian held guns in the world

    Most Americans don’t have any guns and about 3 in 10 Americans really really really fucking love guns and they’re loud as fuck about it.

  16. How else do you get the citizens to move westward an exterminate the natives?

  17. Radsby007

    I need a lot of guns to protect me from other people with lots of guns.

  18. BuckSleezy

    I would imagine growing up in the Balkans in the 90’s gives you a very real perspective on violence and what the gun truly represents.

  19. Personally I can understand having a gun or even a couple if each has a specific purpose. As a tool a gun is no different than say an axe or a knife. Use it and put it away. It’s not a big deal. Or if you use it for sport. Again totally understandable and many who do are very responsible and knowledgeable about safety and maintenance.

    I think what’s weird is how some people make owning guns their personality. It has this kind of patheticness about it. Like it reminds me of the guys that buy Harley’s and just fall into this fakeness of lifestyle that they suddenly have.

  20. You can tell by this statement what state he has been living in.

  21. One_Professional_597

    Wild that a Bosnian wouldn’t see the pros of gun ownership

  22. SaltyPickle1495

    Man this guys Balkan he’s grown up around guns his whole life 🤣🤣🤣

  23. thechort7

    As someone who just moved from Portland to Phoenix I can relate.

  24. IrishSpringFan

    I feel like hunting ranges can be legal, but who really needs a personal gun? Like dream all you want that’s it’s for fighting against a tyrannical government, just be honest and say that it makes you feel like more of a man.

  25. *Nurkic was born during a war involving ethnic cleansing and shit, so he should certainly empathize with why Arizonans bring guns to Walmart.*

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