@Los Angeles Lakers

[Trevor] Christian Wood says it doesn’t matter if he’s starting or coming off the bench

[Trevor] Christian Wood says it doesn’t matter if he’s starting or coming off the bench

by junahn


  1. WordsAreSomething

    That’s good because he’s not going to be starting

  2. He’s been saying all the right things, hopefully he shows it too and backs it up.

  3. ikkywikky1

    Darvin’s ability to get players to buy-in is great. I’m so excited for this season

  4. Incog7777

    I was worried about this ngl so this is great to hear

  5. ktran2804

    What people don’t seem to get is this Wood at his absolute lowest in his career. He knows this is his last chance in the league

  6. Js_On_My_Yeet

    As long as he plays up to his potential consistently plus defense he’ll be loved by us.

  7. cuhman1cuhman2

    I want his minutes to perfectly overlap with Vando and/or AD. Hes an amazing offensive player, Ham needs to use that to his advantage, but bring players to cover his flaws.

  8. SophisticamatedApe

    You all missed the follow up to that where he said “im told ill have a big role.” Yeah. Good luck with that when he’s not getting the minutes he wants to put up his numbers.

  9. myelrecsy

    Now, I like to hear him say “It doesn’t matter if they give me playing time or not”

  10. I find winning cures everything. If lakers are winning games with wood coming off the bench then all is good.

    Start off on a rocky start ,then you will start hearing drama about playing time.

  11. NewChemistry5210

    Sounds like the typical media day stuff. Dude said something VERY similar when he went to Dallas, so…let’s see if he can walk the walk or is just all talk.

    This is definitely our best roster since the Bubble, so I am excited because we won’t need to rely on Wood or Reddish. But if they show up – even better!

  12. Not starting but with AD injury history he probably will get at least 10 starts this year as long as he stays healthy

  13. kasaan110

    Ok that’s good to know. But PROVE IT! dude had issues with Jason Kidd of all people so he gonna have to prove it.

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