@National Basketball Association

[Hill] Reporter asks Steven Adams about a Korean player who banks free throws. Would he try it? Adams: “I do it unintentionally sometimes. He was Korean? Reporter: “Yeah, Korean.” Adams: “North or South?” **awkward silence**


> Reporter asks Steven Adams about a Korean player who banks free throws. Would he try it?

>Adams: “I do it unintentionally sometimes. He was Korean?

>Reporter: “Yeah, Korean.”

>Adams: “North or South?”

>**awkward silence**

by lopea182


  1. MuletownSoul

    North. Name was Kim Jung something. Rumor has it that he made 76500 consecutive free throws.

  2. MagicSexDemon

    So glad the writers strike is over. Judging from this interview the new season of NBA is gonna be lit!

  3. MrDarkHorse

    Fun fact: people in South Korea just call the country “Korea”. So to them it’s just Korea and North Korea. Kind of like Virginia and West Virginia.

    Edit: evidently in South Korea they consider both countries to just be Korea, and the North Korean government to be a renegade government.

  4. TheAkimasu

    That makes Steven Adams less likable that’s just me tho

  5. spacefish420

    Is this actually a dumb question? Basketball is Kim Jong Un’s favourite sport and basketball is actually played in North Korea so it wouldn’t be completely crazy if it was a North Korean player

  6. Pretend_Highway_5360

    What is wrong with reporters

    Just say south

    What’s so awkward about that

  7. Idk what’s funnier.

    How silly of a question that is.

    Or the idea that Steven Adams wouldn’t consider doing this if he was North Korean, but would if he was South Korean

  8. Smenderhoff

    Adams just learned last week that there are *two* Koreas and decided this was the best time to show off

  9. electricaldummy17

    Honestly I would probably say the same thing to troll.

  10. larrylegend33goat

    Rumour has it that North and South Island of NZ are

  11. c10bbersaurus

    Hahaha, love Steve-o. Hope he is healthy and walling defenders this season.

  12. Strong-Ad-9641

    Not sure what’s funny about this question. NK women basketball team played against China today on the ongoing Asian game. And they were doing just fine ngl. Not to say they were amazingly good, but they are certainly a match to their southern countrymen.

  13. monkey-pox

    Fair question, lots of disinformation coming out of North Korea. Adams got to make sure what he’s hearing is legit.

  14. rustyshackleford1094

    I’m sure Adams was joking, which is hilarious, but I’m Korean myself and I would get this question asked frequently. A person I meet would ask what ethnicity I am, and when I say Korean, they ask, “Oh! NORTH OR SOUTH??” My brother in Christ, I wouldn’t be here if I was North Korean. Those guys are like trapped in a whole different time period.

    Then when I tell em South, they tell me their sister loves BTS or that they love eating Korean BBQ.

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