@Houston Rockets

Number 3 is heaven to the ears. No more standing around without the ball please & ty.

Number 3 is heaven to the ears. No more standing around without the ball please & ty.

by _s0lace_


  1. From the footage Jackson posted on YouTube, Tate Wagon looked like one of the best players on the court.

  2. Bewaretheicespiders

    Jabari being more of a threat at the rim is going to help him getting some space at the 3 as well.

    Jalen finally getting a real point guard might be the best show of the year.

  3. Few_Mulberry5372

    I was about to post this lol

    Going from KPJ and Silas hero ball offense to Amen and Udoka is gonna be amazing

    And while FVV also chucks he’s not nearly as bad as KPJ was

  4. traethizzle25

    My biggest takeaway that’s more of a negative is tari still seems to have tunnel vision on drives and continues to drive into traffic

  5. venitienne

    All I want is for someone to give a shit on the court. I can live if they miss shots but no more standing around at the 3pt line, pouting, taking plays off.

  6. 2 was very obvious in summer league, and is extremely promising for his development combined. Hopefully his handle can catch up as well, if so he’ll be a perennial all star.

  7. ImNotYourBuddyGuyy

    My cup is filled to the brim with kool ade LETS FUCKING GOOOO

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